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  1. Quailberries

    New 10-week-old cockerel trying to spar with all three of my hens

    Hi! My situation is a little complicated right now but here's the gist of it- Three EE hens A 10-week-old Australorp pullet A 10-week-old BO cockerel We've been raising the groups in two separate coops and allowing the adults to free range, and recently we've been attempting to get the groups...
  2. Quailberries

    (Possibly) Integrating a single chick into a flock? Help!

    We currently have two chicks we're raising to replenish our flock after the tragic loss of one of our hens around a month ago. They're an Australorp and Buff Orpington, bought as pullets and both around 3 weeks old. Despite their young age, it has become hard to not recognize that our BO is most...
  3. Quailberries

    Pullets squawking all winter?

    My four EE pullets are showing signs of POL- squatting, rapid comb growth, egg laying song practice, it's all there. I was told they wouldn't lay until spring because of the lack of sunlight, and while I can be patient for the eggs, I REALLY can't wait for the egg laying ballad rehearsals to...
  4. Quailberries

    Is my pullet POL?

    This is Rasputin (yes, that really is her name), my 16-week-old EE pullet. Over the past week or so her comb has really sprouted and taken a reddish coloring that none of the other pullers have. I don’t think she is a rooster as she has never once tried to crow and her feathers are all rounded...
  5. Quailberries

    Ameracaunas or EEs?

    Just picked up these four chicks from a larger local hatchery. They were marked as Ameraucana/EEs, so I just assumed they were all EEs when ordering. That being said, they're here now, and they look more like Ameraucanas to me! A little help here?? One looks like a bearded Australorp, something...
  6. Quailberries


    Long sorry short, on Wednesday morning one of our trash buckets was tipped over near the coop, and was clearly some sort of animal. We thought it was a possum, who really wouldn’t be able to get to the chickens, but took some new safety precautions regardless. I woke up today to let them out-...
  7. Quailberries

    (HELP!) Signs of animal in backyard?

    Yesterday I was cleaning the coop, putting all the old pine shavings in your basic 5 gallon bucket. I normally empty out the bucket in a little composting area in my backyard, but I guess I forgot to do that, because when I woke up today the bucket was near the coop, and it looks like an animal...
  8. Quailberries

    ABSOULTE GUARANTEE sexing tricks?

    I’ve been seeing a whole bunch of contradictory stuff out there about there being ways to autosex younger chicks by wattle/comb development and reddening, leg thickness, aggressiveness, all that jazz. Is any of this really true? From what it sounds like, Saddle feathers seem to be the earliest...
  9. Quailberries

    6-week-old chick afraid of sunset?

    My chicks have been out in the coop since Wednesday and everything has been running incredibly smoothly... until it’s time to go to bed. On 3 separate nights now my RIR pullet has made distressed peeps during sunset, which is the time we’ve chosen to close the coop door from the run. She paces...
  10. Quailberries

    Do hatchery chicks go broody?

    I've heard some stuff here and there about how chicks from hatcheries are less likely to get broody/don't get broody at all. Myth or fact? If it is true, why? I'm a little skeptical to be honest..
  11. Quailberries

    Early GLW roo?

    I opened the door to the coop today and my GLW "pullet" got a whole bunch of red on her wattles out of NOWHERE. Early roo? Please say pullet, I dont think roos are allowed in my area :oops: The comb wattles are the only real concern, everything else looks pretty pullet-ish to me...
  12. Quailberries

    Feather from 5-week-old

    This might be a really stupid question, but here we go... We just brought our chicks out for their first night in the coop, and we checked this morning and it looks like things had been going great!... Except then I found a small feather of our 5 week GLW hidden in the shavings. The feather...
  13. Quailberries

    Early pecking order establishment?

    I have 2 pullets right now who are about 4 1/2 weeks of age. They've been jumping at each other and flapping their wings for quite a while, and I've read that this is normal. We also have 2 pullets at about 2 1/2 weeks that are in a combined brooder with them. Everything has gone relatively...
  14. Quailberries

    When can my girls go in the coop?

    I know the usual coop age is 4-6 weeks, but I've been hearing of people getting them out at 3 weeks or even younger successfully with heating, which we do have. We have 2 pullets who will be turning 4 weeks on Wednesday and another 2 that will be around 2 weeks on Wednesday. They are all...
  15. Quailberries

    Opinions on supervised free range?

    Ok, so here's my situation- Right now I have two 2-1/2 week pullets and two 1/2 week old pullets. They're housed separately right now, and we're planning to introduce them to each other pretty soon, and hopefully have them all outside in the coop by very late April/early May. While we still...
  16. Quailberries

    Chick peeping loudly, help!

    My new SLW chick is sooo loud! She’s 2-3 days old now and has an Australorp friend who is near inaudible compared to her. On the first night we had them I decided to put in an old sweatshirt that they could cuddle up against, and that’s been working pretty well for the time being. They sleep in...
  17. Quailberries

    HELP!! One chick pecking others eye, seems to really be hurting her!!

    I have a new pair of chicks to replace the ones we had pass on, and one of them is an Australorp with a white ring around one of its eyes. They’re both newborns, and the other is pecking the Australorp’s eye and egg tooth. Every time she pecks the Australorp screams and runs, and the other...
  18. Quailberries

    I’m completely at a loss

    Ok, where to start... My family recently decided to get backyard chickens, and got out first flock of four pullets on March 30th. It has been not even 2 weeks and we are now down to two... kind of. Our EE chick was quickly found to have a really horrible cross beak, and thanks to the help of a...
  19. Quailberries

    Can I add one newborn to a brooder with two-week-old chicks?

    I live in an area that only permits 4 hens maximum. About a week ago me and my family got our first ever chickens- a flock of four three-day-old chicks. Unfortunately, our EE was soon discovered to have a really horrible cross beak...
  20. Quailberries

    10 day old crooked beak EE... is she going to be ok?

    We found that our 10-day-old-EE pullet, Mercy, had a crooked beak forming around a week ago. Since then, it’s gotten a lot worse visually, but it doesn’t seem to be taking a toll on her quality of life at all. She drinks fine, and though she tends to spend a little bit more time with food than...
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