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  1. chickens87216

    Hard Abdomen

    Hello everybody, I have a two year old sapphire gem that I noticed something off with. She escape the coop and I noticed she was wobbling around, so i checked her abdomen, and it was large and hard. What is going on with her? I would attach a picture but you wouldn't be able to see it anyways...
  2. chickens87216

    Hen or roo

    Is this a hen or roo? It is 3 months old
  3. chickens87216

    14 hens 3 eggs

    I have 14 hens that should be laying right now and I only got three eggs. What can I give them to boost their laying?
  4. chickens87216

    1 month old; gender?

  5. chickens87216

    1 month old; gender?

  6. chickens87216

    1 month old; gender?

  7. chickens87216

    1 month old gender?

  8. chickens87216

    What gender?

    Is this a roo or hen?
  9. chickens87216

    15 hens… 2 eggs?

    I have 15 hens and only get two eggs a day. There is no where for them to have a secret nest. What should I do to increase egg production. We usually get more eggs in the winter compared to now which is concerning. Also most of the hens are only 2 years old. There are some younger.
  10. chickens87216


    My chicken Bubbles, A Sapphire Splash, layed a shelless egg a few minutes ago. She was straining almost wheezing and standing like a penguin. She finally layed the egg. It looked normal at first, but then I picked it up. This is the first time its happened with this bird. What should I do?
  11. chickens87216


    This is Buckwheat. He is a 13 Week old rooster that is usually very energetic, wild, and is scared when he is alone. I just went outside to find him standing scrunched up with his tail down. He isn’t doing the “alone noise” when I separate him. He normally is trying to pick fights with other...
  12. chickens87216

    Breed and gender

    Hi guys. I hatched out 7 chicks in an incubator and they are now 3 months old. This one is a mixed breed. It has a friend that looks very similar but is a hen. Which hen would be the mom? Father = some kind of marans Mother could be: Cuckoo marans Amberlink Cinnamon Queen Light Brahma Easter...
  13. chickens87216

    What Gender?

    Hi guys, this is Chippy. A Dark Brahma. We bought it as a hen but it acts different and is bigger than the other dark brahma. Is it a roo or hen?
  14. chickens87216

    Chicken feet

    I have a huge light brahma bird with some weird feet. Is there something wrong?
  15. chickens87216


    Internal laying is when a chicken’s oviduct throws the egg of the tract. There is tons of egg yolks inside of my chicken from this. This is an emergency and I need advice quickly. She is huge, she walks like a penguin, and she is wheezing. What should I do? In the picture there is a bright...
  16. chickens87216

    URGENT New chick with navel bulge

    Hi, I just hatched out a chick with a bulge in its navel area and I am not sure what to do about it. Someone please respond with an answer I want this chick to survive. It was not bleeding last I checked and the area is dry. I was just cleaning this little one up and found the bulge is attached...
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