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  • Users: flyingtnh
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  1. flyingtnh

    Muscovy - "FDS" - Floppy Duckling Syndrome

    We've had Muscovy ducks for about 3 years now, and probably a couple hundred ducklings hatched. In fact, one of our hens got a bit off-cycle this year and hatched a clutch a couple weeks ago with snow on the ground. Every year, we'll have a few ducklings get what we call "Floppy Duckling...
  2. flyingtnh

    Contest: Identify our Chicks

    We surprised our 8yo "chicken-man" (our son, who runs the egg business on the farm) by adding 3 hatchery-choice chicks to his last order. I've posted pics of the mystery chicks on our blog and am running a just-for-fun contest to allow folks to guess the breeds. Feel free to join in...
  3. flyingtnh

    New arrivals

    Our 8yo son received 32 new chicks this morning to replace the older girls this Spring. 28 BR females (included a "mealmaker" and 2 extras added by Meyer), 2 BR males, and 3 hatchery choice. 100% live arrival. Kids are having fun now trying to figure out what the 3 mystery chicks are. Will...
  4. flyingtnh

    Bragging on the kids and flock

    Pics and details to follow once we unpack, but kids' results from the Hopkinton State Fair in NH: - 8yo son was too young to enter in 4H, so had to compete in the open class. His Barred Rock roo won Best Standard Cock in Show! - Daughters both won 4H "Grade A" blue ribbons for their muscovy...
  5. flyingtnh

    Portable Goat Stand

    I thought some other goat folks might find this useful. We had a hard time finding a goat stand that we could pack up for the 4H shows/fairs (and still afford), and when I looked for plans on the net I didn't find anything quite like what we wanted. So I designed ours from scratch to...
  6. flyingtnh

    Photos of our Muscovy Juvies

    Our girls took photos of some of the remaining Juvies from our first flock that haven't been sold or reserved for their 4H show this fall. They're on our website ( under "Livestock for Sale," but here are a couple pics. Midnight hatched another 16 last week! Two...
  7. flyingtnh

    Near tragedy with our broody BR

    One of our Barred Rocks went broody a couple weeks ago in an unused goat pen. She was sitting on 9 eggs, and then we went out and found several shells outside and a hole dug under the corner of the pen. She was a bit distraught and had moved her eggs further from the corner, but it could've...
  8. flyingtnh

    Our first summer of ducks... lessons learned.

    We bought our breeder flock of Muscovy ducks last summer - initially 4 ducks and a drake. We added another 2 ducks shortly afterwards. The hope was to create a self-sustaining flock for sale and harvest. We've learned a whole lot, and are still doing so, but here are a few of the bigger...
  9. flyingtnh

    New Hampshire - Muscovy Ducks/ducklings For Sale - ready for Harvest or Breeding

    Free-range (and we really mean "Free Range") Muscovy Ducks/Ducklings for sale. Born early May and ready now for harvest or to start/enhance your breeding flock. Drakes $15, Females $20. Lavender pied, black barred, black pied, and others available. - Update: 1 Drake and a few hens left. We...
  10. flyingtnh

    Two redundant items: Farm and Gym Membership

    Daughter and I just stacked 240 bales up in the barn. Got me thinking... I should turn this place into a gym/spa!
  11. flyingtnh

    Night Pics

    Some pics from late last night. I need to do some more mods to the nesting boxes to keep them from sleeping/pooping in them. The 5-gallon pail halves have done a good job for half of them. And these pics from the past week or so show that...
  12. flyingtnh

    7yo Son's egg business is off the ground!

    Our 7yo son's egg business is (just) off the ground. With us eating half of his production (until the next dozen hens start laying), it's a pretty small operation (some family and friends), but he's having a blast and it's great to see him working so hard at it. He decided on his own to donate...
  13. flyingtnh

    Doc the Drake, aka "Garfield"

    Our 13yo daughter is our guestblogger today - - discussing the hard life of a fat drake.
  14. flyingtnh

    Pics from after our snowstorm

    18.5" by yesterday morning... I'm the only one in my office who didn't lose power (pretty quiet because I told them all to stay home until they had things under control). With everything (even church services) closed down for the day, we had a good famly day playing in the snow. Pics on our...
  15. flyingtnh

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    My take on moving the Occupy movement from "who" to "what":
  16. flyingtnh

    My Daughter's First Blog Entry

    One of our daughters wrote our first guest blog entry, "Chuck the Chicken Duck." Her ability to capture her natural, funny voice makes me proud!
  17. flyingtnh

    You might live on a farm if...

    You might live on a farm if... 10. …you often awake before the rooster (and when he wakes up first you have an urge to reach for the duct tape). 9. …at least once this week, you’ve been outside in PJs and rubber boots. More, and an opportunity to add your own at my blog...
  18. flyingtnh

    Greetings from New Hampshire

    Well, 6 months into our new place here in New Hampshire during which I've been capitalizing on the awesome treasure trove of information, stories, and advice here on BYC, I figured it was finally time to jump into the fray. We're hobby farmers with just under 15 (mostly wooded) acres. We free...
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