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  1. birdygal

    Sick 1 1/2 year old scissor rooster.

    Thanks for the concern all. With prayer and separating him, plus special dropper stuff, he is doing much better. As another poster said a few months back a predator may get him soon so I guess I should just be thankful for the time I got to have him. I do apoligize I have not had time to be on...
  2. birdygal

    scissor beak chisken-canot catch to clp beak

    rbaker0345, I am so sorry I have not replied to you answer here. Thank you for taking the time to help. We got him the day I asked this, but I will look into this for next time.
  3. birdygal

    scissor beak chisken-canot catch to clp beak

    Union Town Poultry, I thank you for answering, And I just have not had time to get on here and see if anyone answered because we caught him that day and he has done well. I think I am finding out that getting counsel from people not walking in your shoes is not always helpful but really sad...
  4. birdygal

    Chick with cross beak *pics*

    Mine did well until now an he is almost more than a year and a half. My husband wants to put him out of his misery and if something is not done he will die. I am reading about scissor chicks here, but I need to know if anything can be done with an older one and this is an emergency. he is the...
  5. birdygal

    Sick 1 1/2 year old scissor rooster.

    I separated him since healthy roosters are attacking him. He looks like he is dying. His breasts has shrink. He just lays sickly puffed up. Could barely get in tree to roost. Does not seem to drink , but eats when I hand feed though acts like he does not have appetite. Clings to me when used to...
  6. birdygal

    Please Help! my 4mo old Wyndotte cant walk. shes very weak.

    I Just read this and maybe help you. Did not fit with my chicken problem so did not read it over super well.
  7. birdygal

    'PetChickenDoc' -- a useful diagnostic tool for chicken disease

    I down loaded it. What program is need to open. I have a long list on it.
  8. birdygal

    Young hen - comb gone pale, very tired, stopped laying eggs, liquid droppings, keeps "fluffing herse

    My scissor beak rooster is acting kind of like this also. Please reply. I had to cut his beak back a couple weeks ago and wondered it that got infected because this was the time he started acting unusual his breast is going down but he is eating what I give him. Crop is fool, but no meat on him...
  9. birdygal

    Cleaning coop.

    Our chickens are fee range and the only ones that use the coop are the nesters and babies and 2 ducks at night. My husband says the coop needs nothing done since the rest of the chickens are not in there and ducks at night. but hens nest and babies? Is he correct?
  10. birdygal

    scissor beak chisken-canot catch to clp beak

    Our scissor beak rooster used to sleep in barn low -and we could catch him to clip his beak, but his beak is getting bad again and now he roosts way up in the tree. I am feeding him soft stuff he can barely get down by hand, but I cannot grab him because I have extreme allergy and am allergic to...
  11. birdygal

    Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

    When you feed the chicken through the sliding porch door bread by hand as he crows on the railing. :frow
  12. birdygal

    Comb Contest - Pea! -- ***WINNER ANNOUNCED***

    Beautiful feathers. I love that bird.
  13. birdygal

    Comb Contest - Walnut! - **Winner Announced!!**

    Looks like a hawk. Beautiful feathers.
  14. birdygal

    Comb Contest - Cushion! - Winner Announced!

    Love the shiny colors of your top one. The brown one is pretty also.
  15. birdygal

    Comb Contest – Buttercups! - Winner Announced!

    If looks could kill, but he is amazing.
  16. birdygal

    Ended Comb Photo Contests!

    I would love to see comb pictures listed side by side under each heading. I never know combs were called by different names and it is confusing to me.
  17. birdygal

    Comment by 'birdygal' in article 'poultry-in-motion'

    Adorable. Creative. You are my winner.
  18. birdygal

    Hawk killed my duck

    I had a falcon dive bomb right into open barn door and take out 2 chickens before we could figure what happened. the first one the dog scared the falcon out and my beautiful cluck was half ate.( he was lying there in coop and would not know what got him until next day. This was in mid day) we...
  19. birdygal

    truly wild pictures!!

    Quote: He is gorgeous. does he act like a pet cat or wild or both?
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