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  1. Webersome123

    Pekin and Pekin Mix Ducks For Sale, MD

    Haha, I just googled a picture of ducklings to make my ad more visually appealing, before I got an actual picture of them.
  2. Webersome123

    Pekin and Pekin Mix Ducks For Sale, MD

    Hello! I have twelve baby ducks for sale. Hatched on December 6. 8$ each. I am located in Clarksville, MD. No shipping.
  3. Webersome123


    Free black rooster in Clarksville, Maryland. Very friendly and has beautiful iridescent black feathers. Hatched from a speckled green egg. PM me for more information. Need to get rid of him fast, because he just started crowing. Thanks for reading!
  4. Webersome123


    Free black rooster in Clarksville, Maryland. He's very friendly and was hatched from a speckled green egg. Just started crowing and cannot keep him. PM me for my phone number.
  5. Webersome123


    I am so incredibly happy to hear that! That's fantastic! I am also interested in obtaining some of his offspring.
  6. Webersome123


    How's the rooster doing? I miss him.
  7. Webersome123

    Black Easter Egger Rooster

    The Cream Legbar has been called for and pending pick up.
  8. Webersome123

    Black Easter Egger Rooster

    Sent you a PM
  9. Webersome123

    Black Easter Egger Rooster

    No, sorry, rooster only.
  10. Webersome123

    Black Easter Egger Rooster

    Both roosters have been taken.
  11. Webersome123


    Free 9 week old Cream Legbar mix rooster, named Marcarpone. Hatched out of a beautiful sapphire egg. Free to a good home. I am located in Ellicott City.
  12. Webersome123


    Aw I love American Eskimos! My friend has one and she's the friendliest, floofiest puppy ever. My roosters are Easter eggers, one is a Cream Legbar mix and one is a Svart Hona mix, got 'em both as fertile eggs from Longfellow Poultry at the last swap. Ducks are so incredibly adorable and fun...
  13. Webersome123


    Thanks! I have a bichon frise actually, but papillons are my favorite breed and I haven't gotten around in changing it. I don't have many chickens because my HOA doesn't allow more than six. I have two Easter egger hens and a barred polish hen. I also have two roosters; I am looking to get rid...
  14. Webersome123


    I love the chicken swaps. I have obtained all of my chickens and chicken supplies from there.
  15. Webersome123

    Five Chicks Gender Identification (Many Pictures)

    The Easter Eggers are cream Legbar hybrids.
  16. Webersome123

    Five Chicks Gender Identification (Many Pictures)

    I hatched five chicks about three weeks ago. Four are Easter Eggers (with single combs?) and one polish. I am a newbie at gender identification and would really appreciate it if y'all would help me out. 1. The gray one is named Penny. She has the smallest comb, but the largest and straightest...
  17. Webersome123

    Adding pipped duck eggs to incubator with day 18 chicken eggs?

    Make sure the duck eggs are relatively clean and you can pop 'em in there. I don't think they will cause any problems. Good luck!
  18. Webersome123

    Advice on hatching eggs

    Firstly, you need to obtain an incubator, either buy one or make one. There's many easy, cheap and effective homemade incubator designs on BYC. You can store the eggs for up to 14 days, but set them as soon as possible for optimal viability. Incubation Chicken eggs must incubate at 97-102...
  19. Webersome123


    I have seven coturnix quail peeps for sale. 2.50 each. I am located in Clarksville, Maryland.
  20. Webersome123

    hatching cracked eggs?

    Yes, some of the eggs do hatch, but are harder to than not cracked eggs, because of the risk of pathogens entering through the cracks. Take extra precaution in sanitizing the incubator and washing your hands before handing them.
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