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  1. RuralVirginia

    Broody Hen Loses Interest Midway Through a Hatch HELP!!!

    My Buff Orpington went broody by herself in our coop for about 15-20 days. Yesterday evening I noticed she had left her clutch for over 20 minutes, but that night she still rested on top of them. The next morning I found her ranging and completing oblivious of her brood. I rescued 10 of the eggs...
  2. RuralVirginia

    Broody in January

    I have a broody Buff Orpington hen that is hellbent on hatching her own brood. In past years we did not have a rooster so her attempts were futile. Many times a day for months at a time we would push her off the eggs and try to keep from being broody, but she never relented. In August we...
  3. RuralVirginia


    We ordered 4 hens from a hatchery (1 Delaware, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Speckled Sussex, and 1 Golden-Laced Wyandotte) and they just came at 9:30am this morning after being shipped 3 days ago. We have never had a problem with this hatchery before, but this time when I opened the box the Golden...
  4. RuralVirginia


    We ordered 4 hens from a hatchery (1 Delaware, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Speckled Sussex, and 1 Golden-Laced Wyandotte) and they just came at 9:30am this morning after being shipped 3 days ago. We have never had a problem with this hatchery before, but this time when I opened the box the Golden...
  5. RuralVirginia

    Adding more nestboxes

    I have a smaller coop (maximum 20 birds) and a fully enclosed outdoor run that's 240 square feet. The coop has 3 nestboxes for our current 11 hens that open from the outside. The 11 (was 12 until recently were always fine sharing the boxes. I have 4 chicks on the way and next year possibly...
  6. RuralVirginia

    Predators choose breeds to eat??

    Last year my chicken coop door was left open and all 16 of my hens escaped into the yard. We were away for that evening and didn't come home until about 11:00 that night. Our dogs (and the neighbor's dogs) were able to pick off the chickens one by one until only 8 remained. When we came home, we...
  7. RuralVirginia

    What Won't a Chicken Eat?

    I have 11 chickens (4 more on the way!) with a run thats about 12ft x 20ft. At first everything was fine and the chickens would scratch around in the grass and eat all sorts of bugs that lived in the grass. Unfortunately, after several months the grass was total diminished, roots and all. With...
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