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  1. EggDropSoup

    Sour crop, yes, but is something else wrong??

    Hi all... So I know there are a lot of threads on sour crop, but I'm posting here because my hen doesn't seem to be responding to the usual treatments I have tried so far. Here's what's going on: My hen is a 4+ year old Easter Egger named Waynoka. She is one of the most robust gals in my...
  2. EggDropSoup

    RIR hen is thin, lethargic, poor appetite, hasn't laid in months and feathers turning white??

    Hi all-- I'm baffled as to what could be going on with one of my girls. She is a RIR, around two years old. Shortly before the onset of winter this past year, I noticed that she had stopped laying. Shortly thereafter, she molted--right as it was getting very, very cold. She lost almost all...
  3. EggDropSoup

    Had to assist with hatch; need help with helping baby

    So I gave some fertile eggs to a broody hen and they all hatched night before last, with the exception of one. The chick pipped and made a hole that I could see its beak through, but had not progressed beyond that for 12 hours and was making very distressed peeps. At midnight last night, I...
  4. EggDropSoup

    Help sexing 3 silver laced wyandotte chicks (5 weeks old)

    Hi all- I bought three Welsummer chicks and three SLW chicks from Rural King five weeks ago. Two of the Welsummers are clearly roos (dang it!) But one is a pullet. I'm stumped on the wyandottes, though, as one has a completely different feather pattern from the other two. I have a horrible...
  5. EggDropSoup

    Hen's foot suddenly very swollen, red, and lame

    Hi all-- When I left for work this morning, my flock was fine and happily running around the yard. Tonight, I noticed Marlow--one of my most active hens--sitting quietly in the coop. This is her favorite time of day to hunt for bugs and graze, so I knew something was wrong. When I approached...
  6. EggDropSoup

    My very first hatchlings--including a surprise Silkie x!

    Hey all-- So I put 6 eggs under my VERY broody Salmon Faverolle, Floris, and 4 hatched into adorable chicks. I got a barnyard mix of eggs, and of the ones that hatched, two were blue, one was cream, and one was brown. Obviously, the two blue eggs came from an Easter Egger and I'm not sure of...
  7. EggDropSoup

    Chicken Hawk Dive Bombing my Hens!!

    ETA: I say "chicken hawk," but I guess it's something akin to a kestrel. It's definitely not a full-size red tail hawk. The past few days, I've noticed a chicken hawk hanging around in my big pecan tree, staring at my chickens and occasionally swooping over the yard. It's been getting bolder...
  8. EggDropSoup

    Eggs at Day 17--And my hens ate one of them!!

    Hi all-- I have a Salmon Faverolle hen named Floris who keeps going broody. I finally relented and got 6 fertile eggs from a friend so that Floris could hatch them. I candled them last night for the final time, and all 6 seemed to be very well-developed and the embryos were moving around...
  9. EggDropSoup

    2 Year Old Hen Suddenly Walking Drunkenly/Holding Head and Neck at Odd Angle (Link to video!)

    My hens were totally fine when I let them out around 6 this morning. I went back out to check on them while ago, and one of my girls--a 2 year old Dominique--is now holding her neck off-center with her head tilted towards the ground. She seems to be having balance problems--she wants to peck...
  10. EggDropSoup

    Oh My God, The Government Wants to Kill My Chickens (MS)

    I am absolutely sick right now. I had a necropsy done on a bird (she died of EYP), but she also tested positive for MS. I have FIVE CHICKENS. My coop is apparently 5 miles from a Pilgrim's broiler house. The state vet called me. My flock has created an uproar with their MS. He has told...
  11. EggDropSoup

    1 1/2 year old White Leghorn with severe watery diarrhea, lethargy, etc. Egg yolk peritonitis??

    Hi all-- This morning, I went out to the coop and found my dear white leghorn, Oleta, in a nest box, looking very, very sick. She is my champion layer--she lays an egg almost every day, even though we've been having sub-zero temperatures and the ground is covered in snow! I noticed she...
  12. EggDropSoup

    Chick Order Gone Awry...Help me ID my mystery chick and confirm others!

    So I ordered 8 baby chicks from My Pet Chicken. I know people complain about that particular place, but last time I ordered, I got 15 chicks and they were all alive, properly sexed, and grew up to be beautiful, productive birds. Over the past year, I've lost a few to predators and a respiratory...
  13. EggDropSoup

    One hen killed in coop overnight...raccoon? Possum? Rat???

    Man, my poor hens have been through the ringer. I just got my surviving 8 over a really serious respiratory infection and now I've lost yet another, this time to some predator attack. I have no clue how the critter got in. My chicken run and coop is chain link on three sides (with the fencing...
  14. EggDropSoup

    Entire flock sick. Two dead. UPDATE: Herbal remedy seems to be working

    Hi all-- I posted here about a week ago and got one response (not pointing fingers, just disheartened). On Tuesday, June 25th, I picked up five chickens someone had dumped on public property downtown in my city. Because I have not owned chickens for long (a little less than a year), I didn't...
  15. EggDropSoup

    UPDATE: Probably Coryza; One Dead--DO NOT WANT TO CULL.

    UPDATE HERE: I lost one of my hens this morning. At this point, both the vet and I think it's probably coryza rather than IB. He suggested switching to Tylan 200--.25 cc 1x day and see if that offers any relief. The hen who died was actually acting the healthiest yesterday. She was outside...
  16. EggDropSoup

    POSSIBLE EMERGENCY: Bronchitis??

    Hi all-- One of my favorite hens--a black copper marans named Corinne--is suddenly, violently ill. I noticed her sneezing a couple of times yesterday, but it seems to me that chickens sneeze rather often, seeing as they're covered in dust much of the time, so I didn't think much of it. Today...
  17. EggDropSoup

    !!! Flock attacked by a dog. Three dead, two VERY injured. Help!!

    Hi all-- So...I learned a very hard lesson about gates this morning. I keep my dozen chickens at my best friend's house (she lives down the street and has a yard, whereas I do not). She has a large dog who likes to kill chickens, but she has both a fenced front yard and a fenced backyard...
  18. EggDropSoup

    Hen is Limping and Now Lethargic :(

    Hi friends-- On Tuesday morning, I noticed one of my Dominique hens was limping REALLY badly, stumbling each time she tried to put her weight on one of her feet. She had been perfectly fine the night before when I shut the girls in their run, so I assumed she must have sprained her leg somehow...
  19. EggDropSoup

    Pretty sure this is a Salmon Faverolle roo...

    Hey all-- I have 13 chickens of varying breeds and, apparently, varying genders. :) This one has kind of puzzled me. I know the feathering looks NOTHING like a Salmon Faverolle hen, so I'm almost 100% sure it's a roo, but he seems so fat and hen-like in every other aspect! He's extremely docile...
  20. EggDropSoup

    Twisted--not curled--toes on 3 week old chick

    Hi all-- I have 15 chicks that I received exactly three weeks ago. They've all been really happy and healthy so far, but tonight I discovered an issue with one of my salmon favorelles. This chick is the fattest of the bunch and is also the most underdeveloped in terms of feather growth--even...
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