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  1. Mis pollitos

    Chick poo question & pic

    Have some new chicks, the oldest around 10 days old, youngest about 7 days. I have seen this poo 2 times, once yesterday and this one today, very stinky, but don't know who is doing it. They've not been outside at all. Only have starter food and fresh water. Should I be concerned? Doesn't seem...
  2. Mis pollitos

    Crop issue?

    I'm a newbie. Thought I had posted this, but can't find it. I don't know where it went so I'm going to try again. I have 4 20 week old chicks. 2 started laying about 10 days ago. It is one of these about whom I have a concern. I've attached pictures. She appears to be eating and drinking fine...
  3. Mis pollitos

    more new chick advice, please

    Ok, again...for a "first-timer" At what age can baby chicks start getting regular/daily kitchen veggie scraps? and would OSB be an okay board for the interior of our new coop? My concern is the glue used to make the stuff and the fumes it might put out...would plywood be a better choice? Thanks...
  4. Mis pollitos

    Hemp as brooder/coop bedding?

    I joined this group years ago but never actually jumped into the "chicken game". Now I'm really serious and my husband is designing a coop. Am prepping for getting chicks in a week or so. Any feed back on that would be appreciated also. It's almost July and I live in Minnesota, will chicks have...
  5. Mis pollitos


    I'm new at this, really just starting to think about getting chickens. Wondering if there are any Twin City, MN / Western WI chicken owners out there. I would love to visit someone and get some basic info/recommendations before starting out. I figure I have the winter to learn and plan & then...
  6. Mis pollitos

    brand new

    Just starting the process of possibly getting chickens.... doing research, learning what I need, etc. Thinking of starting in the spring, as MN in the fall may not be the best time to start on this new adventure! Any advice and suggestions would be very much appreciated!
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