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  1. fleedo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Anyone know anything about growing in clay soil
  2. fleedo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Go australia I grow all year long
  3. fleedo

    Soon to be Budgies

    You don't need anything but newspaper P.s. They do better in groups then on there own
  4. fleedo

    Chick not doing well

    That is so sad when I got my first 4 my favourite died so now I only have three
  5. fleedo

    Chick not doing well

    it's not your fault. don't give up on her just keep trying
  6. fleedo

    Chick not doing well

    some chicks are just destined to die but you should leaver her and mum will do all that can be done to save her good luck
  7. fleedo

    Old hens

    they don't seem different but if they never go into the coop but at night chances are they are not laying
  8. fleedo

    Soon to be Budgies

    i love budgies (be very careful not to let them get out of your house though you will never see them again) i had an inside cage and i had an outside flight cage but they never liked it i had a boy and a girl who had two babies that i sold. i fed them basic grains and seeds and i also sprouted...
  9. fleedo

    Duck not eating new feed

    hi when i ran out of a grain based food and i could not find any i put my chickens on layer pellets they hated me for it so i put a different feed that had grain and pellets after i ran out i put them on the layer pellets (i mixed it wheat for about 2 weeks) they where fine with it good luck
  10. fleedo

    should I cull or not

    if it is a small clean wound you should keep doing what you are doing and she should come around
  11. fleedo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Y You should not plant carrots they will take almost two years befor they are a good size
  12. fleedo

    Welcome to the world!

    they do look wired when they are all wet like that good luck
  13. fleedo

    Stressed new hens and a bully.

    do you have a run for them
  14. fleedo

    Deep litter method help

    p.s it keeps chickens warm
  15. fleedo

    Deep litter method help

    all it is is when you put a lot of wood shavings down and let them rot or decompose
  16. fleedo

    Keeping Lawn Edges with Chooks

    if youbuild them a large run they will not need to free range and will not destroy your grass
  17. fleedo

    One of my hens secretly hatched some chicks and I am in need of some advice!

    if she has the mind to hide the eggs she will be a great mum if she is strong it will be fine to leave her with the flock (in the old coop if they are together) the chick should be fine you can splint the leg but you might as well just leave it good luck keep yourr fingers crossed
  18. fleedo

    Baking soda for the brooder?

    i have never tried this but it sounds like it would work and be safe
  19. fleedo

    HELP! My girls are fighting

    tonight or tomorow night you should put the new hen on one of the roosts aparently when they wake up they dont fight as much but you will just need to let it play its course she seems to want to be leader. but if after a month they are still fighting you may need to get ride of her good luck...
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