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  1. creepygothnursi

    Pullets won't go in at night

    You will have to actually take them and put them in the coop at night for the first few days or so. Chickens are not the brightest of creatures and seem to pick everywhere to sleep but where you actually want them to, so you will need to wait until dusk (probably not full dark so they aren't...
  2. creepygothnursi

    How long to keep them in coop?

    Your plan sounds fine to me. Just make sure they can't get to the run part at night or they may try to sleep in it. I didn't have a door on my coop initially and mine refused to sleep in the coop, tried to sleep piled up in a corner of the run. I wasn't ok with this for fear some animal might...
  3. creepygothnursi

    Not a good start with introducing chicks to my Broody hen.

    They're way too old. I don't think they can be more than three days or so to fool a broody into accepting them. Also, what the other poster said about EEs not making great mothers has been my experience as well- my 6 EEs are all bat poo crazy and I can't imagine trusting them with a chick. If...
  4. creepygothnursi

    Whats wrong with my sebright?

    Is she laying yet? That almost looks like the way they walk when they're egg bound, but she seems a little young for that.
  5. creepygothnursi

    What chickens lay green eggs?

    I have six Easter Eggers that were sold to me by an unknowing feed store as "Araucanas". (By unknowing, I mean the feed store was told by the hatchery that they were Araucanas and the feed store didn't know about the hatchery trick of passing off EEs as Araucanas/Ameraucanas.) Since I just...
  6. creepygothnursi

    Chickens wanting to go outside!

    We don't let ours out to free-range, though they want to. As far as "wanting" things, I want a million dollars, but I'm not getting it! :P Hawks definitely will attack and kill full-grown chickens, We have a red-tailed hawk that lives in the field next door, a family of skunks that live in the...
  7. creepygothnursi

    Easter Egger hot??

    My EEs all seem to really struggle with the heat. I give them watermelon whenever I can, and freeze large blocks of ice (filling gallon jugs works well) to put in the run. They gather around the ice and dig into the dirt around the blocks of ice. I also put ice in their waterer. They didn't seem...
  8. creepygothnursi

    Easter Egger layed blue egg and green egg?

    I was of the understanding that they only laid one color egg as well, but one of my EEs goes back and forth between blue and green also. I know it's her egg because all the others have laid already when she does it! I'll be interested to see if someone has an explanation for this.
  9. creepygothnursi

    Worried about wind

    I am in Ohio, which as you might imagine gets a good deal colder than Guam, and our old coop was a setup somewhat like this: As you see, almost an entire side is open and no one seemed to have trouble with wind. We did have some issues with snow...
  10. creepygothnursi

    Vortex 2014 and Snow Dump

    We have a large bamboo grove in our yard and had built our coop using that as material, never expecting anything remotely like this winter. OOPS. By the beginning of March the coop was pretty much trashed and we had to scrap it and start fresh. This time we went with a prefab coop so as to get...
  11. creepygothnursi

    Correct fence height for large fowl?

    We have EEs, and let me tell you, those suckers can and have cleared eight feet like it wasn't even there. A heavier bird might not make it so high, but our guys sure did. We wound up covering the top of the run with inexpensive deer netting. We did try clipping a wing but to be honest they...
  12. creepygothnursi

    Lucasville Flea Market 2014

    What are the dates for this? I have been wanting to go but can't seem to find dates anywhere.
  13. creepygothnursi

    1800 Hens Needing Homes In Nor Cal

    I have no idea if this is the right place for this, so mods please feel free to move if not. I'm nowhere near NorCal but came across this on another backyard chicken site and thought I'd try to pass it along since I can't take any myself.
  14. creepygothnursi

    If one hen figures out how to get out of a fence....

    The others won't necessarily follow her, but I'd bet she will keep doing it now that she knows she can. It depends on the weight and breed of the bird, but mine can and did easily clear a 4-foot fence, and kept right on doing it despite wing clipping. We ultimately wound up keeping them in a...
  15. creepygothnursi

    How tall should my fence be

    You may want to net over the top of the run. I used inexpensive deer netting to do this. Some breeds are better flyers than others but my Easter Eggers bounded over a 6-foot privacy fence as though it wasn't there, and I'd bet they could have gotten higher, so if it's important they not get out...
  16. creepygothnursi

    Are my Chicks too comfertable with people?? Did I mess up..

    Eh, I wouldn't call it lucky- it gets pretty old putting all this time, money and effort into chickens and then they run away screaming from you like you're Colonel Sanders coming to make a chicken dinner no matter what you do. Mine aren't allowed to free range (too close to the road plus...
  17. creepygothnursi

    Are my Chicks too comfertable with people?? Did I mess up..

    Enjoy it while it lasts! Mine have never much wanted anything to do with me, so be happy that you have a friendly bunch. Only thing to be careful of is that if you baby a rooster too much they can sometimes take this as a sign that they are dominant over you and they may turn violent, but hens...
  18. creepygothnursi

    How constant must supervision be for new chicks?

    We checked ours between 2-3 times a day depending on if someone was home during the day or not. Morning and evening or morning, noon and evening depending. They were absolutely none the worse for wear on the days they were only checked morning and evening. I think a lot of well-meaning first...
  19. creepygothnursi

    Lowest temp a chicken can survive at

    My Easter Eggers got down to -6 last night and didn't seem to give a bawk, so to speak. They haven't come out of the coop much today but aren't acting at all uncomfortable and have no signs of frostbite or anything like that. All they really need is a dry coop and a way to get out of the wind...
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