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  1. cheeperchick

    Screeching.while laying eggss

    Hi all. This morning I noticed that my RIR started screeching loudly when she sat in the nest box. I wonder if she's in pain. She has also been a little more aggressive and doesnt leave the coop when I open the door to free range in the afternoon. Any ideas what can be wrong with her??
  2. cheeperchick

    Anyone familair with Mclean Hatch?

    Hi all! So I'm getting 5 baby chicks in the mail at the end of the week and I came across someone referencing Mclean hatch gamefowl. After a google search I found that I may have two but never could figure out what they were until now. Does anyone know where these came from? Characteristics? thanks!
  3. cheeperchick

    Hen saddle question

    I have 2 pullets with saddles on them and I'm a little concerned that it may be too warm for them to wear as it starts to get warmer. We live in NM & it was 78 degrees in the coop on Sunday. Do hen saddles make the girls generate more body heat?
  4. cheeperchick

    Eggs from my injured pullet

    Hi everyone. I separated by RIR pullet about a week ago from being injured by my cockerel overmating her. She was really bad under her wing but it looks like its starting to heal up. She stopped laying for a few days and today I noticed this...could it be that she is under stress from being...
  5. cheeperchick

    Roo injured my pullet..What to do??

    I noticed my RIR pullet was limping so I picked her up and inspected under her wing to find that she has been injured, I'm assuming by my RIR cockerel mounting her too much. I isolated her and put some antibiotic spray. I'm not sure how old the injury is, but it did have a fowl smell. Any...
  6. cheeperchick

    never seen this before...

    Hi all & happy new year! so it's been a month since my flock started laying and I noticed one of my black stars hopped out of her nesting box and started picking up straw and loose feathers from the ground and was trying to place them on her own back. I'm amused and curious on why she's doing...
  7. cheeperchick

    Roo with rickets

    Need some advice....I think my 18 wk old Delaware roo has rickets. He spends most of his time lying down and has a limpy walk. No signs of blisters on feet. legs feel warm but I'm not sure if that's from him lying down. I've read that the treatment for rickets is vitamins D and calcium, but...
  8. cheeperchick

    Leg problem?

    So I have this 18 wk Delaware roo that has a leg problem. He lays down alot and when he does walk he's slow and kind of limping. There's no signs of bumblefoot. I already treated with coccidosis with corid and lice with poultry dust. I felt the legs today and it felt like the legs & joints...
  9. cheeperchick

    Gonna try free ranging today (a little nervous)

    I've seen other backyard flocks roam yards when I drive home from work and I would like to start supervised free ranging for my flock of 10. They will be 17-19 weeks tomorrow. I would like to give them at least an hour before sundown of free ranging before going back to the coop at night. I...
  10. cheeperchick

    Could be Coccidiosis???

    I've been asking and doing some research and there may be chance my Delaware roo might have cocci. I say because he's not very fast/walks slow and tends to be lying down almost all the time. He's 16 weeks and eats and drinks normally. Poo is mushy, almost watery and is a orange white runny...
  11. cheeperchick

    Need coop ventilation advice

    Here's a picture of my coop & run that we completed over the summer. It was a complete redesign and expansion. It has 3 3/4 walls. The 3/4 wall goes out to the run. Question...what can I do about ventilation in the coop? Everytime I go in to clean it out, dust starts flying everywhere and now I...
  12. cheeperchick

    Do I have mites? what to do?

    I noticed by Delaware roo (15 moths) lies down a lot but generally eats and drinks normally. I figured the lying down is related to it being low on the pecking order. I decided to check him out and noticed this around the vent area. Its seems like when I expose the skin, they seem to run...
  13. cheeperchick

    Powdered Duramycin (oxytetracycline) advice

    I've been treating my flock with the solution for 7 days now & I noticed the package says not to give to chickens that are laying eggs for human consumption. Most of my flock is 16 weeks old and three of them are 14 weeks..all not laying yet. Can the eggs be eaten when they do start to lay? How...
  14. cheeperchick

    One eye shut/one open

    Good morning all, I was in the coop yesterday afternoon & noticed my buff orp has one eye closed & one open. Looks like she/he (can't figure out sex yet) is eating ok & may have a case of fowl pox from little specks in the comb. I also opened the beak and there was no film/goo or smell. I've...
  15. cheeperchick

    Delaware Roo or Hen??

    I'm on the fence about this one. I have a 12 week old delaware and I'm not sure it's a roo or pullet. It's very calm and likes to be held. I noticed that it squats alot so I'm thinking hen but the comb and waddle are bigger than the other two I pullets I have that are the same age. Are those...
  16. cheeperchick

    Scabs on comb?

    Hi all! I have a 14 week old buff orpington and a 12 week old delaware. I started noticing some black spots on my orp's comb and thought it was poo. I tried wiping it off but it's pretty rough and is stuck on there more like a scab. Now I'm noticing more specks appearing on the right side of...
  17. cheeperchick

    Is my roo molting?

    Hi, I'm new to chicken raising and didn't notice this until I expanded my flock earlier this year with some day olds. Two chickens came with the house we live in right now and I noticed that my roo is starting to lose it's tail feathers and some neck feathers. Could he be molting and prepping...
  18. cheeperchick

    any advice on ordering hatching eggs??

    Hello, I'm new to raising a flock but I was thinking of ordering some dominiker hatching eggs when my black star bantam goes broody. Dumb question-how many should I order..can I just order one or two? What are the sexing odds? 50-50? thanks!
  19. cheeperchick

    quiet roo

    Hi all...I recently noticed that my adult rooster hasn't been crowing, is that normal? It had also been making a weird purring like sound. Should I be concerned?
  20. cheeperchick

    There are maggots in my chicks wounds...what do I do????????

    my chick was attacked and i'm cleaning the wounds with vetericyn but noticed maggots coming out! what do i do??????
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