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  1. Westcoaster87

    Cooking before rigor mortis sets in?

    That's excellent to know :-) I like a bit more texture as well so I'll give it a try :-)
  2. Westcoaster87

    Cooking before rigor mortis sets in?

    I have seen a few posts about rigor mortis but have not come across mention of cooking before it sets in. We are going to butcher a few of our roosters and I was wondering if anyone has any experience cooking them as soon as they are butchered before rigor sets in. Is this possible...
  3. Westcoaster87

    Rooster carcass still very stiff!

    Haha, sounds good. I can be patient :-)
  4. Westcoaster87

    Rooster carcass still very stiff!

    Hahaha, love the convo :-) It is fully gutted and plucked and is in a bowel in my fridge (not freezer). I had assumed it would settle by 48 hours but it is far from that still. Is there anything I can do to help this along?
  5. Westcoaster87

    Rooster carcass still very stiff!

    I slaughtered a rooster coming up on 48 hrs ago and it is still very stiff. Nearly as stiff as it was in full rigour mortis. Should it not be relaxing by now? If it doesn't relax, is it still going to roast up nicely?
  6. Westcoaster87

    Keeping male and female quail together

    We are looking at purchasing upwards to 10 or so quail and were wondering if in a ratio of 1/4 (or 1/3) male/female they can all be kept together. Or if we need to keep them in 2 separate groups. Thanks!
  7. Westcoaster87

    What breed are these chicks?

    She's an interesting little thing, isn't she! I am very new at chickens so I wouldn't be able to take a very educated guess. Anyone else?
  8. Westcoaster87

    What breed are these chicks?

    Well that's kind of a relief because two of the three Lavenders are just huge and I would hate to wind up with a bunch of roosters :-/ I will definitely mark the aggressive one. It's picked on a few of the others- at eyes, torn out the odd feather and jumps on them forcing them to the ground.
  9. Westcoaster87

    What breed are these chicks?

    Aaaahh, okay. So now I have another possibly silly question. Does the size of chick indicate anything when it comes to gender? A few of these guys are double the size of others (they all hatched out at the same time) and 1 is actually pretty aggressive. This size variation is among the...
  10. Westcoaster87

    What breed are these chicks?

    It was the Black Orpingtons I was unsure of. They are very white and bright yellow which seemed a little strange. The other chicks seem to be true to breed from what I could tell. So all that white is normal then, eh? And what about the spotting (mottling?) around the eyes? Is that indicative...
  11. Westcoaster87

    What breed are these chicks?

    It's more amusement than panic, lol. I think one of them might actually be a Blue Orpington which I am very excited about :-) I think it's fun to guess especially with all the funky colours. I supposed if there is no pure orpingtons that would be something to get a little frustrated about but...
  12. Westcoaster87

    What breed are these chicks?

    Hehe, okay. What I was told is they they are Black Orpingtons, Lavender Orpingtons, 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte and 1 Welsummer. One the the Lavender Orpingtons has turned very dark grey while the others have stayed looking like Lavenders and the Black Orpingtons are losing a lot of blac, their...
  13. Westcoaster87

    What are the Breeds of these 3 Chicks?

    Chick 1 looks like the Black Orpington chicks I just picked up. At least I was told they are Black Orpingtons, lol :-)
  14. Westcoaster87

    What breed are these chicks?

    Can anyone tell me what breed these chicks are? I picked up these 12 heritage chicks the other week and their colours are changing so dramatically from what they started off as I'm worried they are not what I thought they were. For example, the black ones with white on their wings now have...
  15. Westcoaster87

    Which quail breed is best?

    Oh, that sounds totally delicious! It looks like you get quite a lot of meat in comparison to the size of the bird. Having said that, I still haven't seen them 'in the flesh' (lol) to know. Thank you for the pics :-)
  16. Westcoaster87

    Which quail breed is best?

    It sounds like a very tasty meat- white or not. One of the things I dislike about some dark meats is the greasiness. Considering that, it's another reason to confidently get coturinix quails to learn from and enjoy first and then move onto the bobwhites later. For me anyways :-)
  17. Westcoaster87

    Which quail breed is best?

    dc3085- From what I have read online (and heard here) your information on the meat type is correct. nayeli- It doesn't seem you read the thread but thanks for taking the time. TwoCrows, WaterfowlWeirdo and dc3085- We have a space by our garden that would make a perfect quail aviary. I...
  18. Westcoaster87

    Which quail breed is best?

    Oooooo, now you see, that is what I keep thinking when it comes to the bobwhite. They are just so beautiful and they make such a wonderful call. It sounds then that the Coturnix is the better quail for a first-time quail owner. Space is not an issue for us though so we could bring in the...
  19. Westcoaster87

    Do egg layers cycle?- confused about current numbers

    That's a interesting idea. I've also read people putting milk in the water. Although in that case I'm not sure milk is high enough protein to make a different.
  20. Westcoaster87

    Do egg layers cycle?- confused about current numbers

    Oo, I don't want to do anything that could be potentially harmful for them. If a good break is what they need so be it. I also recognize that the ISA Browns only really have one good laying season in them and these birds are now 1.5-2 years old. We picked them up from a local organic laying farm...
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