What breed are these chicks?

Mine always vary in size, it seems to depend on the size of the eggs they hatch from. I haven't noticed any relation to chick size and gender and you'll probably notice that as they grow, everyone will sort of even out. I would be concerned about a chick that small being so aggressive tho. If it were mine, I'd mark it to keep track as it grows and rid myself of it if it turns out to be a rooster. If its very aggressive this young, I'd be concerned about that when it weighs 15 or so pounds!
Well that's kind of a relief because two of the three Lavenders are just huge and I would hate to wind up with a bunch of roosters :-/

I will definitely mark the aggressive one. It's picked on a few of the others- at eyes, torn out the odd feather and jumps on them forcing them to the ground.
hey what kind if bird is this? She lays eggs regularly. And we got her from the pheasant pen? We thought she was a pheasant when she was a baby but now she's full grown and we have no idea what she is
I have Buff orps and I have noticed that I have been acurate in the sexing so far by the difference in the legs. It might just be luck but it's been accurate for me. The ones that turned out to be roosters, always have a much thicker, stalky leg compared to the hens. Eventually, the roosters will outgrow the hens but within a couple weeks old, the legs are easy to tell.

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