Cooking before rigor mortis sets in?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 1, 2014
Lower Mainland, British Columbia
I have seen a few posts about rigor mortis but have not come across mention of cooking before it sets in.

We are going to butcher a few of our roosters and I was wondering if anyone has any experience cooking them as soon as they are butchered before rigor sets in. Is this possible? Considering heat speeds up the process, would it just result in a tremendously tough bird?

Many thanks!
Our first few runs of meat birds, this is what we did. We would just kill one or two birds & cook them immediately (usually grilled). Unless we were doing pan-fried, we usually would just skin them rather than taking the time to pluck. I'm culling two hens in couple days & they will go straight into the soup pot rather than aging. That said, I like a bit more texture to my chicken to start with...the bought ones that are only a few weeks only & have barely walked around don't have enough flavor or texture to me.

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