Processing Video - Hand Plucking - Cooked same day


14 Years
Aug 30, 2009
Mt Repose, OH
My Coop
My Coop
Several months ago I started documenting my flock and methods on YT. Finally got to do a processing video. Our freezer didn't have any chicken in it, since we were between harvest batches, but I did have a group of 14 week old American Bresse cockerels. So I went out and selected one that looked big enough.

I had the bird into the crockpot before rigor started to set in, that's the only way that same-day cooking works. You have to be fast! It was less than an hour from catching him to crockpot. Pull/tug on the wings/legs to monitor as you work, they should be loose and move freely. If they start to stiffen, then you need to age them in the fridge long enough for that to pass. We prefer a minimum of a 4 day aging period, prior to cooking. Using a brine soak for 24 hours for Heritage type birds can help a lot too for texture, flavor profile and juiciness (especially if there isn't much fat on the bird)

Here's the link to the video...

Processing Video

This is our 7th year of doing the dual purpose grind. It's been very educational with plenty of ups and downs, to work out the breeding and aim for consistent results. We went through several breeds and varieties to find what works best for our needs.

Recently I added a trio of Chantecler to try them, they had been on my list for awhile. They need breeding work from the inside out, outwardly they're quite pretty. But the fleshing and growth rate needs a bunch of work. Now that I have a grasp on breeding selection, I think I can bring these around in 3-5 generations, without out crossing. We'll see.
I had this video open since you posted and finally got around to watching it today. Great tutorial! I have never seen someone tie off the intestine like that and I'm gonna start doing that as a precaution.

Looks like the Breese makes a great meat bird. How did it taste? I hope to have dual purpose one day. I subscribed to you because I'm also interested in Chantecler as a possible breed for when I have a dual purpose flock. I'm also interested in Buckeyes, Delewares, and New Hampshires.

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