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  1. euphoniumism

    Lone Chick

    Okay, so, this is the 3rd chance I have given my head hen at raising a clutch. This is also the 3rd time she has failed, and thus the last time. She normally crushes her babies under her enormous butt, and they die from being crushed/smothering, but this time four made it to about a week old...
  2. euphoniumism

    ISO under a week old pullet chicks

    Looking for a couple 1-3 day old female chicks to add to the current 3 day olds I have under a momma hen. I have waaaaay too many roosters and am trying to take advantage of my hen and get some more females in the flock. I love my roosters 'cause my chickens are my pets, so I'm not culling them...
  3. euphoniumism

    head hen and broodiness

    Before I had a rooster, my head hen McNasty was the worst layer and only gave me 3-4 eggs a week. Since I rescued Arnold the rooster, McNasty has been laying 6-8 eggs a week, and sometimes lays more than my "best" layer, Atlas. What even? McNasty has also gone broody within the past week. I'm...
  4. euphoniumism

    Rooster people? Help?

    I rescued a rooster from getting butchered a couple weeks ago, and noticed that when he tries to mount my hens, he doesn't really do anything, he just grabs the feathers on the back of their neck and then steps on their wings. He's just stepping on them. And I'm just laughing, because he's so...
  5. euphoniumism

    How to deal with coyotes?

    Okay, so recently I've been seeing coyote tracks in the dirt on my property. How do I deal with this? I don't think I can get a gun. I have a border collie puppy but he's not old enough to take on a coyote yet. When he's full grown I'd probably allow it though, 'cause he was the biggest of his...
  6. euphoniumism

    Barred Rock sexing at 5 weeks?

    I've got a barred rock "pullet" at around five-ish weeks that looks a bit masculine to me. Her comb is more pink than the EE and California Layer pullets I've got, and her tail feathers are not anywhere near as long. She also has got little waddle buds starting. Should I be worried? I already...
  7. euphoniumism

    How many chicks?

    I was wondering, is there a big difference between ordering/shipping three and five chicks? Last year in one of my high school's agricultural classes, each student raised two hens. I decided to bring mine home instead of letting the local farmers take 'em, since one of mine is more of a meat...
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