Barred Rock sexing at 5 weeks?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 17, 2014
I've got a barred rock "pullet" at around five-ish weeks that looks a bit masculine to me. Her comb is more pink than the EE and California Layer pullets I've got, and her tail feathers are not anywhere near as long. She also has got little waddle buds starting. Should I be worried? I already have a rooster that I just got, and I would hate to have to decide between the two...I don't have enough hens for one rooster, so I can't even think about having two right now. I only have 6 "hens" including the barred rock in question.
I don't have any pics. She is kind of hard to catch. I'll get some pics later... Could you guys post pics of your male/female barred rock babies so I could compare?

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