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  1. uhohmaeday

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Such a cutie! Our hatchery RIR was rustier colored as a chick. I got a picture of her yesterday. She's a little over 10 weeks. Two days Ten days ~10 weeks She doesn't have a name yet. Any ideas are welcome!
  2. uhohmaeday

    Presidential Pardon question

    There were some other breeds in the group that were raised, but they picked BBWs. Probably more to do with tradition. I'd love to see a Bourbon Red get pardoned. So many people I know don't realize there are other breeds besides "wild" and "white" production turkeys. We don't have any turkeys...
  3. uhohmaeday

    Presidential Pardon question

    Are you asking why they were BBW Toms? Because I think that's just because BBW turkeys are considered standard eating turkeys. They're they kind of turkey most people end up eating. Hence the reason for them being pardoned? Toms would be because they're more showy. The toms, Mac and Cheese, are...
  4. uhohmaeday

    Jersey Giant Rooster and Young Pullets

    We have a 1.5 year old Jersey Giant Rooster (along with a 1 year old Rhode Island Red Rooster and a ~8 month old Speckled Sussex Cockerel). When we first intro'd the JG he tried to get it on with all the ladies. All of them. None of them would let him. Actually, we very, very rarely see our JG...
  5. uhohmaeday

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    How dark was this girl when she was younger? We have a RIR Roo we got from a 4H auction, and he's not hatchery/production lines. But we do have a RIR chick we got from a hatchery, and she is rather dark. Much darker than I expected from a hatchery. Maybe I'll try and get a photo of her later...
  6. uhohmaeday

    Prettiest Hen Contest (Ends Jan. 5th)

    Name: Alice Age: 10 months Breed: Golden Laced Wyandotte Name: Pepper Age: ~1 year Breed: Unknown She's more of an entry on a whim because she's not exactly the prettiest with her missing feathers from being pecked on in her previous home, and she was born with a physical deformity of her...
  7. uhohmaeday

    Pepper the Princess

    NorthFLChick, she was getting pecked on by the others before we got her when they were in a less than ideal housing situation. Now they have a large coop with plenty of roosting and plenty of run, so I think that contributes to her not getting pecked anymore. We haven't seen a single chicken...
  8. uhohmaeday

    cutest chicken names!

    Right now we have: Pepper (mix of some kind) Sadaan (Pronounced like "Satan" with a "d". She's a black six-time, and she actually got the name because she was a little demon chick. Always pecking a people, but we couldn't name her "Satan". That's just mean.) Laramie (mix of some kind) Aoife...
  9. uhohmaeday

    Best Friends?

    What a cute pair! We have a speckled Sussex roo, and I just love him. I'll sometimes see Jezebel run one way and then Sleepy running after her to stay with her or vice versa. They cling to each other like glue.
  10. uhohmaeday

    Pepper the Princess

    Thank you! She's definitely one of our favorites! She has trouble getting in and out of the coop, so we'll let her in and out whenever we can. She really can't walk around too much and spends a lot of time nesting. She gets broody which I think is good because it gives her something to do that...
  11. uhohmaeday

    Best Friends?

    Does anyone else have a pair of chickens that seem to be best friends? We have an EE bantam, Sleepy, and a cochin Bantam, Jezebel, who are attached at the hip. You never see them apart. I think it's partially due to them staying in the house a bit longer due to their size, so they bonded well...
  12. uhohmaeday

    Cochin Thread!!!

    This is my 10 week old mottled cochin bantam, Jezebel. She hasn't quite lost all the yellow in her yet from when she was younger. :3 This is our other 10 week old Cochin, who we aren't quite sure on sex yet. Thought she was a she, but there is a little wattles development. It's still very pale...
  13. uhohmaeday

    Pepper the Princess

    We got a bunch of chickens from a guy that really had no time for them. They were kept in a small run with a dog house (no place to roost!). We got 7 total. 4 red colored hens, 2 white colored hens, and one special princess. A princess who we named Pepper. She stood out from all the others not...
  14. uhohmaeday

    Prettiest Hen Contest (Ends Jan. 5th)

    Name: Laramie Breed: Good Question Breed: Also a good question! I know she probably won't win, but I had to share my Laramie. We got her from a guy who was getting rid of all of his chickens, and this girl was one of two white chickens we got. She stuck out because, well, she follows you...
  15. uhohmaeday

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Firsties! They're so cute!!! (The brown ones are from 2 year olds).
  16. uhohmaeday

    Easter Egger club!

    This is our little 10 week old EE bantam. Her name is Sleepy because she falls right asleep when you hold her. Her favorite treats are mealworms (yum!). She's also a model in her spare time as you can see.
  17. uhohmaeday

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! *Prize* (Ends December 15)

    (Not sure if he counts as a submission because he's a cockerel, but he's too handsome not to share.) Name: Chester Breed: Speckled Sussex Age: Approx. 6 months
  18. uhohmaeday

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! *Prize* (Ends December 15)

    Name: Cooper Breed: Rhode Island Red Age: Little over 1 year
  19. uhohmaeday

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! *Prize* (Ends December 15)

    Name: Chainz Breed: Jersey Giant Age: 1.5
  20. uhohmaeday

    Fun chicken pics!

    This is our little model, Sleepy. She's 10 weeks and an EE bantam. As a 2 day old for reference. :3
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