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  1. Royal Farmer

    Chickens 8 months old have not started laying

    I have 4 Chickens: A golden lace Polish Salmon Faverolle and 2 ameraucanas They have not started laying. I added a light to extend their exposure now that winter is on the way they are eating laying feed What else can I try or how can I tell if they are close?
  2. Royal Farmer

    Golden Laced Polish Gender?

    Pompadour is 2 1/2 months old. We do not see a lot of wattle development, but there are 2 nubs that may be possible comb growth. The confusing thing is that characteristics of both genders are present. There are the black feathers with the purple-ish, green-ish, blue-ish tint which may indicate...
  3. Royal Farmer

    Silkie Sexing

  4. Royal Farmer

    Silver Laced Wyandotte Sexing

    Sterling is about a month old. Looks like reddening of the rose comb... Thoughts? I appreciate your help.
  5. Royal Farmer

    Sexing a Golden Laced Polish

    Thoughts? Don"t want to have to rename my sweet Pompadour to Theodore ...tee hee. Please be a pullet! Would really welcome your input. Thank you.
  6. Royal Farmer

    Silkie Sexing

    My favorite chick in the entire flock is my sweet Silkie, name Little Bo Peep. Do you think Bo is a roo or pullet. I think I see the development of a walnut comb. Please help if you can. Bo is about a month old.
  7. Royal Farmer

    Salmon Faverolle sexing

    I bought 2 Salmon Faverolles. The one that I think is a rooster is 5 and a half weeks old. The other is about 3 weeks old. I am pretty sure that I have one of each gender. Can anyone help out? Thanks y'all! Bird #1 Bird #2
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