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  1. newchickowner

    *****WANTED*****Pure Bred Black Langshan's Hens

    I found my friend some Black Langshan's just before Easter this year and she's so pleased with them that she's looking for 2 or 3 more egg laying hens if anyone has some for sale in my area. I'm in the Dallas area of TX. Please let me know, you can email me at [email protected] Thanks...
  2. newchickowner

    adorable pic

    I don't know if ya'll have seen this before, but I just got it in an email of other cool pics and I saved it because it was too cute!
  3. newchickowner

    Medical advise needed quickly

    I just came from visiting my friend's house and her roo isn't doing very well. She just bought them two weeks ago. I saw them on the first day they arrived and everyone seemed very healthy. However, today when I went out to see her chickens her roo was acting as if he had something in his...
  4. newchickowner

    store eggs stink!

    I haven't been on here since I got back from vacation. but since I lost all my chickens, I had to buy store eggs!!! yuck!! it was heartbreaking! after two years of having fresh eggs from my ladies, I almost forgot where to find the eggs in my local store! I want another flock so bad, but I'm...
  5. newchickowner

    I'm sooooo upset!

    I have had a rough time with a predator. As I'm typing this I am helpless and hopeless 1,200 miles away from home, while my poor chickens get eradicated! About a week before I left to go on vacation, I found a small, blonde dog in my yard harrassing a chicken. I ran the dog off and my poor hen...
  6. newchickowner

    Rhode Island Red prices????

    I have a guy around the corner from me that bought a bunch of RIR eggs and once they hatched out almost all of the 20 eggs are roo's, so he's looking to thin out the testosterone, but I was wondering what they were going for now.
  7. newchickowner

    Major swelling under the eye...What do I do????

    About a week ago I noticed my young rooster not chasing the ladies like he usually does. I didn't see anything wrong with him upon inspection at first - he's eating and drinking regularly and he is "getting some" from the ladies, but not nearly as aggressively. But after a few days I noticed...
  8. newchickowner

    Finally updated my BYC page.........

    Check it out and tell me what you think, with our busy lives it's hard to keep this updated because it's low on the priority list, but I guess I wasn't doing much tonight so I finally got it all done!
  9. newchickowner

    look what I found today! Cute!!!

    This one was a no yolker, but a few days ago I found one slightly bigger that was a perfect tiny egg, yolk and all!
  10. newchickowner


    I found my chicken caked in mud lying on her back in my yard. Appears that a dog "play" attacked her. There are no lacerations, or broken bones that I can tell. She can move her wings, and walk, though slowly because I'm sure she's sore. I took her inside my home, bathed the mud off her and...
  11. newchickowner

    Car repair scam!! Must check this out!!!

    Don't know if any of you have already seen this, but if not, this is worth a look!
  12. newchickowner

    Hotel made completely of ice & snow!!!

    My b/f and I just finished watching a Discovery Channel program about this hotel that is in Sweden that is made entirely of ice and snow! It was truely amazing! After the show, I googled "ice hotel" and found their website (very easily) and thought others may enjoy learning about this fantastic...
  13. newchickowner

    I have a new job!!!

    Like a few others on here, I have been looking for an at home job for about the past year and I finally found one!!! I was just hired Wednesday, and I'm sooooo excited that I thought I'd share with my friends here at BYC cause I know you all would be happy for me! Below is a picture of my...
  14. newchickowner

    Kitten flea & tick shampoo on rooster for lice***UPDATE***

    Is there anything I can treat my rooster with today other than DE? The feed stores are all closed on Sundays. I'll buy some DE tomorrow, but I was wondering what I could do for him today?
  15. newchickowner

    I'm posting for my incubator!!!

    All you ladies (and men, don't want to leave you out!!! ) keep posting about incubating eggs all winter!!! I don't have an incubator per say, but I just had my baby from last years hatch go broody three days ago!!! Yay!!! the first one of the season!!!! BRING ON THE BABIES!!!!! Now I can join...
  16. newchickowner

    One of my favorites! Enjoy!
  17. newchickowner

    Hope you all have a good one!!!

  18. newchickowner

    I BLAME YOU ALL!!!!!!

    I was shopping for furniture online and came across this fancy livingroom furniture, and as soon as I clicked on this picture my VERY FIRST THOUGHT WAS........... "oh wow would that be GREAAAAAAT in my coop!!! Each chicken would have her own box!!!!" So it's official..............I have...
  19. newchickowner

    So.....who has a $1,000 playground for their chickens????

    I DOOOO!!! Well, my parents bought it for my kids this Christmas. See the kids playing happily on and in their brand new playground? It took a better part of a week to get it ready to be played on. It was so cold and windy. But it went up finally. The bad part about it was the weather is JUST...
  20. newchickowner

    My page-what's your opinion on it?

    I've never made a blog page before, this is my first. Did I do ok? Any opinions? How do you make the cool backgrounds and things like that?
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