look what I found today! Cute!!!


12 Years
Aug 19, 2007

This one was a no yolker, but a few days ago I found one slightly bigger that was a perfect tiny egg, yolk and all!
I went to an old mans house the other day to buy 6 hens(will post pics soon, one is a weirdo with feathers sticking straight out the back of her head and she has a spur). His chickens all ran loose, and in the middle of his yard, there was a tiny egg, not much bigger than my thumbnail. He said it was probably the last egg a chicken lays. I brought it home and put it up, but hid it too good, because I cant find it now....but I will!! I am determined..lol. when I find it I will take pics. I better check the bator, my daughter wanted to put it in the "egg hatcher" and hatch a chick that will be "so so wittle tiny"

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