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  1. jackieo61028

    Mallard: Duck or Drake?

    I just acquired a 5 week old mallard (the previous owners said that it is a mallard) and that they weren’t sure of the sex. This is our first duck. We have a flock of chickens. So, first of all, is it in fact a mallard? Secondly, can you tell the sex by 5 weeks? If yes, what do you think we...
  2. jackieo61028

    Easter Egger Gender help

    This is a pullet, right?
  3. jackieo61028

    I have a sick chicken and I need help!

    One of my girls is pretty sick. I have already isolated her. She's about 6 or 7 months old now. She has lost weight. She's stopped eating and drinking. I have been giving her water with electrolytes with a syringe. She takes it pretty well but just won't drink on her own. She favors one leg...
  4. jackieo61028

    We have an egg!!!

    We got our first egg yesterday! It was a little, tiny egg. So cute! The whole family was so excited. All the children were fighting over who was going to hold it. We also had to explain why the egg wouldn't hatch a baby chick. Our first egg unexpectedly turned into a "Birds and Bees"...
  5. jackieo61028

    Pale comb and wattles

    This morning I noticed one of my girls has a very pale comb compared to the others. They are all about 5 months old. She is also not as active as the rest. I separated her so I could keep an eye on her eating, drinking, and pooping. She's not pooping much. Sometimes she looks like she's going to...
  6. jackieo61028

    I take a lot of pictures of my chickens. Is that weird?

    Tell me I'm not the only one!!! Please. Friends and family say I'm earning the title of CRAZY CHICKEN LADY. Let me see some of your pictures! By the way, we are in southern Alabama.
  7. jackieo61028

    bumps on a chicken's beak????

    Can anyone help me with this? What is wrong? What do I do?
  8. jackieo61028

    Thoughts on genders of our 3 month olds?

    Just interested in what you guys think. So far, out of 24 3month olds, we think we've found 4 roos.
  9. jackieo61028

    Rules for The Coop that the books don't tell you. My experience as a newbie.

    I'm new to this chicken biz so I'm just learning as I go. I'm mentally taking notes on what I need to paint on my Chicken Coop Rules sign. 1. Never wear flip flops when you have pretty pink toenails like mine. 2. Never go inside empty handed. They expect treats. They EXPECT treats. 3. Do the...
  10. jackieo61028

    One Buff Orpington is different than the rest

    I ordered Buff Orpingtons about 9 weeks ago. I just realized that one has yellow feet unlike the rest. Is that normal or is she a different kind of chicken maybe?
  11. jackieo61028

    Are these BRs all girls?

    We ordered all pullets but now that they are about 9-10 weeks old, I just want make sure. Since this is our first flock, I'm not very confident it picking out differences in the sexes yet. I hope you can help!
  12. jackieo61028

    when can I add my rooster to the flock?

    I have a 5 month old rooster that I want to add to a coop that has 23 2 month old pullets and 2 2month old Roos. When is it ok to put him in with the others in the coop? He free ranges mostly but he stands by the coop looking so sad. He paces around and around it every day. He also does a...
  13. jackieo61028

    This is a pullet, right?

    I'm still pretty new at this so I just wanted to make sure! Thanks for your help!
  14. jackieo61028

    New to BYC

    Hello! My name is Jackie and I'm from Semmes, Alabama. My husband and I have 7 kids and, for some reason, decided that we needed a bunch of chickens!! Heck, to feed our family we probably need to have an entire farm. Lol. We are still newbies to the whole chicken raising thing. We're learning...
  15. jackieo61028

    Gender help!

    My chicks are between 7 and 8 weeks old. We ordered 25 pullets from the hatchery. Of course, we knew there would be a chance that we'd get a cockerel. I have a few on my watch list because of certain features or behaviors, but this one is so different from on the rest that I thought I'd get...
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