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  1. 32708fl

    Returning eggs to a broody hen?

    Where are you located? My little rooster died too. I need another rooster too.
  2. 32708fl

    Bantam rooster

    I need a replacement BTB rooster. So you sell fertile eggs? I’m in fl
  3. 32708fl

    Japanese black tail Batam- buff

    I lost my Japanese buff black tail Batam. I need to replace him ASAP. Located in Fl
  4. 32708fl

    Rooster attacked by dog :( Updated with pictures of his injuries

    He did survive. We isolated him and provided him with a heat lamp with he love heating his backside on. We sprayed the wound with Vetericyn often. His tail faethers are grown back now. We have our property fully fenced now and put the neighbor on warning about their dog. I don't know how he...
  5. 32708fl

    I caught my fox! UPDATED.. now with the VIDEO!

    What did you do after you caught it?
  6. 32708fl

    Duck with turned in feet

    I have a new duckling that is not growing as fast as the others and sits a lot. I noticed her fett are turning inward. What can be done?
  7. 32708fl

    Rooster attacked by dog :( Updated with pictures of his injuries

    This is our Honey. He had beautiful feathers.
  8. 32708fl

    Rooster attacked by dog :( Updated with pictures of his injuries

    I was encouraged to read your thread. I hope Frank is doing well. Maybe you have a little Frank by now. The neighbor's dog has been chasing our chickens for months. We didn't say anything and started putting up a fence. In the meantime he attacked the roo today. All the tail feathers are gone...
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