Rooster attacked by dog :( Updated with pictures of his injuries

He's doing ok! He is making minor improvements every day. He is eating and drinking completely on his own. He is walking more but is very unstable. Lots of head twitches when he walks. I'm still pretty concerned about neurological damage but as long as he's still trying to get better, I'll do whatever I can for him. I took him outside for a minute yesterday. I thought that he would like some fresh air and to see the hens. He definitely wanted to be near the girls. If he has any brain damage, his hormones are still working just fine.
No signs of infection so far. He doesn't like the aspirin so I have to force that a little bit and he tries to get away when it's time for meds. But that's probably a good thing, right? He still isn't lifting his head much but I'm not terribly worried about that. He does lift it from time to time so I know he's capable.

I am a little concerned about his poop. It's very yellowish green. Is that normal after an injury? I know that poop of that color can be from liver issues.
Hi poop may be discolored just because of the aspirin and the different things he has been eating since the attack. I would discontinue the aspirin - the stress of making him take it may be doing more harm than benefit at this point.

Eating and drinking are excellent signs. Just keep him safe from the others picking on him and you will be surprised. I predict a full recovery!
I had thought in the beginning that he might have some wry neck from his injuries. Vitamins (especially B1 and E) and selenium 25 mcg daily may help him. Also if you can get prednisone from a vet, it can also help in severe cases, and especially from head/neck injuries. I'm glad he is doing better.
once my cuail lost an eye and 60% of its head was scalped , i took it to my great uncle (a native punjabi :) and he put ground tumeric on its head and in a day it was better , the tumeric clotted and healed the bird , my great uncle would do the same with this injury , "they never die " he always tells me , not one bird has died atr his hands , NOTE: im a punjabi (great grandfather emigrated from ludhiana which is in indian punjab to toba tek singh which is in pakistan punjab to escape hindus who burnt children and women and our whole village in a day,it was OUR village, my great grandfather was a king)and my great uncle and grandfather and there middle class (now lower middle class) ALL work with plants and animals for a living from elephants and camels to quails :D , im proud to be punjabi ;)
I thought I'd give another Frank update. No huge changes really. His poop is looking much better. I'm not doing aspirin anymore but I'm still doing the poly vi sol. He still doesn't seem to have much of an appetite but does eat a little on his own. I have gotten him to eat 3 scrambled eggs in the past 2 days plus some feed. When we went outside yesterday he did the little rooster wing dance around few of the ladies. He also tried to fly twice. I think he got frustrated with trying to walk and gave flying a try. I've felt of his legs and feet many times during all this and can't feel anything that's giving him trouble walking. He's still not picking up his neck. It doesn't hang as low as it did, but no major improvements there. His neck wounds look really really great. No bruising or swelling any more. It's really healed up well. Now we've just got to get him eating more and picking his neck/head up and he'll be all better!

On a side note, I put some little Frank eggs in the incubator this morning. I started collecting eggs after the attack just in case Frank didn't make it. It's my first hatch so I'm super excited/nervous! Hopefully we'll get a little Frank Jr. out of this!
Frank is doing very well! Thank you for asking! He is currently dealing with some lice (poor guy can't catch a break) but over all he's a happy healthy rooster that made a full recovery. His feathers are growing back in pretty well too. The few bare spots of missing feathers are the only way that you can tell that anything has ever happened to him. Thanks again to everyone that pitched in and gave advice on how to help Frank out. My in-laws were here right after he was attacked and are still amazed at how he has recovered. I'm starting nursing school this fall and they laugh that my first patient was a rooster.
I was encouraged to read your thread. I hope Frank is doing well. Maybe you have a little Frank by now. The neighbor's dog has been chasing our chickens for months. We didn't say anything and started putting up a fence. In the meantime he attacked the roo today. All the tail feathers are gone. He is eating. He is standing. I isolated him and will get some balm in the am. He ate a scrambled egg. I think he will survive but put neighbor on notice that the dog will be shot if on our property
Hope your roo recovers well. If the skin is broke, probably want to put Antibiodic cream on it. I had a dog get in our yard this summer, still,don't know how, but my BO needed about 5 stitches. She recovered well. Now she has a sprain and can't walk. She has had her challenges. But my favorite

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