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  1. hens2makesmiles

    What breed?!?!?

    Just got 10 new chicks, but feather brain me forgot what breed! Help? Thanks in advance! ♡
  2. hens2makesmiles

    Chicken Spurs

    When I realized my Rhode Island Red had spikes growing out the back of her legs, I nearly puked. I learned from a friends that they're called spurs and that it's perfectly normal, but I'm still a little scared. She said you can trim then with dog nail clippers but I don't want to without knowing...
  3. hens2makesmiles

    Southern California Breeders

    Hey everyone!! This spring I'm excited to get some new chicks to add to the flock as we do every year. I've always just gotten them from the feed store but I was thinking about getting some purebreds so I could take them to shows. Are there any breeders in Southern California that you know of? I...
  4. hens2makesmiles

    Guide in Book Form??

    I'm not very "techno" or whatever so I'd really appreciate some sort of book to read about everything but I don't know where to start. Are there any overall chicken books thar I might be able to read rather than confusing myself with all these forums??
  5. hens2makesmiles

    Breed Suggestions??

    Hi!! I am looking forward to adding new hens to my flock this spring and I want to be prepared. I have 4 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Ameracaunas, and 1 New Hampshire. I wanted some Silkie Bantams or Polish Hens but I was reading up on that and it doesn't sound like such a good idea. Is there any other...
  6. hens2makesmiles

    Crazy Chicken Lady Here to Stay

    Hey everyone!! I am new on Backyard Chickens and I'm super excited to ask all my questions and post pictures of my beauties with people who actually get it!!
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