Breed Suggestions??


In the Brooder
Sep 15, 2015
Temecula, CA
Hi!! I am looking forward to adding new hens to my flock this spring and I want to be prepared. I have 4 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Ameracaunas, and 1 New Hampshire. I wanted some Silkie Bantams or Polish Hens but I was reading up on that and it doesn't sound like such a good idea. Is there any other breeds you might suggest??
Thanks a ton!

Yeah, silkies and Polish don't always do well with the big girls. Best to keep like to like, if you want ornamentals house them separate and they'll do better as a rule.

With the flock you have now, any dual purpose bird should fit in nicely. You could go with a darker brown layer--Marans, Welsummer, etc. You could add some different colors/patterns--Australorps, barred Rocks, buff Orpingtons, silver laced Wyandottes. It's really up to you and what you have available, but anything marketed as a heavy breed or dual purpose will live well with your current flock.

Yeah, silkies and Polish don't always do well with the big girls. Best to keep like to like, if you want ornamentals house them separate and they'll do better as a rule.

With the flock you have now, any dual purpose bird should fit in nicely. You could go with a darker brown layer--Marans, Welsummer, etc. You could add some different colors/patterns--Australorps, barred Rocks, buff Orpingtons, silver laced Wyandottes. It's really up to you and what you have available, but anything marketed as a heavy breed or dual purpose will live well with your current flock.
I agree. Great suggestions, Donrae! If I may, I'd like to add the Sussex t that. A brown rooster over a Light Sussex hen will give you sex-linked colored chicks where you can tell the boys from the girls when they are chicks by their color. It works because the Light Sussex is a silver bird. ( it does not work if you use a Light Sussex rooster over a brown hen.)
Here is a great little site on the genetics of egg color. It explains how to cross birds so the children will lay different colors of eggs.
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