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  1. Big Tom

    Breeding Pen Size

    Thank you. I read the article you linked to. It was very well written and very informative!
  2. Big Tom

    Size of Breeding Pens

    So you are suggesting almost 15 square feet per bird? And of course there will be food and water as well as grit, calcium, nest boxes, roosting bars and lights on timers.
  3. Big Tom

    Size of Breeding Pens

    Yes they will be protected from predators and weather.
  4. Big Tom

    Size of Breeding Pens

    I'm not sure how long I will keep them in breeding pens. I guess as long as I want to keep hatching eggs from them. I think at this time that would be until some time in the spring. I'm in Western Pennsylvania. They will not have a run but will be turned out every third day. I'm planning on 3...
  5. Big Tom

    Size of Breeding Pens

    When designing a breeding pen do you still use the 4 square feet per bird or does the square footage need to increase. These pens would be for large breed birds (Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Australorps). I'm thinking about 48 square feet for 10 hens and a rooster. What do you think?
  6. Big Tom

    Breeding Pen Size

    When designing a breeding pen do you still use the 4 square feet per bird or does the square footage need to increase. These pens would be for large breed birds (Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Australorps). I'm thinking about 48 square feet for 10 hens and a rooster. What do you think?
  7. Big Tom

    I think my chickens may have a respiratory issue

    I am a big man. They have lights on them about 13 hours a day. They are very calm birds, so I'm not sure that they are afraid of me. I was more concerned about the noise they are making. I'm afraid that it might be a respiratory problem.
  8. Big Tom

    I think my chickens may have a respiratory issue

    I think I finally figured out the whole YouTube thing. Try this link.
  9. Big Tom

    I think my chickens may have a respiratory issue

    I loaded a very short video to my facebook page. I tried all morning to load a longer video to youtube but it never upload and it wouldn't load to facebook either. Here is the link bigtom.perkins
  10. Big Tom

    I think my chickens may have a respiratory issue

    I recently bought 10 Rhode Island Reds hens and was told that they started laying around the 1st of October. The hens are very easy to pick up and hold and they make this soft almost purring sound, But now I'm wondering if that may be because they have a respiratory problem. I've only had them a...
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