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  1. balloonflower

    Help needed today: rabbit show entry

    Hey All, I'm trying to pre-register for my second show, but I don't have my SOP book yet and have a question. Deadline for show entry is 10pm this evening, and it is pre only. No day of show entries. I have four thirteen week old junior Silver Fox to enter. They all weigh between 7 & 8 lbs...
  2. balloonflower

    Rabbit Broken Toe

    Hey all, So I think one of my does broke one of her back toes today. Had her in with a buck, and the toe got caught in the wire bottom, she was trying to shift and free it, but the oblivious buck wasn't helping. I heard her whimpers and pulled him off, then was able to back her up to free the...
  3. balloonflower

    Rabbit rat tail

    So today I did a round of bunny checkups as I moved cages back to the garage for winter. I have two junior does--half-sibs that have been together since I got them, several months. One of them now doesn't have a bushy tail anymore--first I've noticed, but I'm not in the habit of checking tails...
  4. balloonflower

    Roof for Bunny Shed

    Hey! So, I'm working on a bunny shed out of free pallets. Have the sides up, and now need to figure a roof. I'm voting for a metal roof. DH thinks we should look at using the clear plastic corrugated to let in light. I'm worried about greenhouse effect in summer, plus don't want to sunburn...
  5. balloonflower

    Ear mites in Meat Rabbits

    My silver fox breeding doe has ear mites again. I have been treating with oil and thought I had it knocked out, but again yesterday noticed the one ear nasty crusty. She doesn't like the oil treatment, but does allow me to do it. She is just weaned from her last litter, and I had bred her...
  6. balloonflower

    Dead Chickens mystery

    First, this is no longer at emergency stage. It is now to where I am trying to figure out what happened so that we can decide what to do going forward. Background-- we had a flock of seven hens in the Denver 'burbs. Backyard situation where they have a coop, plus fenced in section of yard for...
  7. balloonflower

    Rabbit cage lean-to

    I would like to build a lean-to for my stacked rabbit cages. The garage was just too hot for them, and right now they're on the patio which is not ideal. So, I found a couple dozen large pallets in really good shape for free the other day and think I can design something using them. The yard...
  8. balloonflower

    Moving rabbits outside

    So my buns have been happily hanging out in their stacked cages in my garage since I started in November. But the garage is getting too hot for them now, so we're working on a spot to get them into the backyard for the summer. What things do I need to consider, other than our plans below? We...
  9. balloonflower

    Cooking with Rabbits

    Let's just go ahead and start new! I will begin with a quick introduction, and I'll talk my DH out of a recipe tomorrow. I do lots of cooking and baking myself, but he is a meat cutter and in charge of rabbits so far. We did get some meat from the breeder when getting our buck, and he did...
  10. balloonflower

    Weaning & Feeding Meat Rabbit Kits

    So my little bun-buns are four weeks old today. Roly-poly little furballs who seem to be growing well. Avg weight 1.25 pounds. They seem to be eating hay and pellets well, though still bugging Mama for milk when they want. When should I go ahead and wean them? I won't be breeding Mama for...
  11. balloonflower

    Odd Behavior something to worry about?

    Backstory to current situation. We had seven backyard hens. Last Thursday we woke to find that five had been attacked overnight--most likely a coon. I was concerned about only having two for company and warmth at night, so we did go same day to a farm and pick up three new young layers. So...
  12. balloonflower

    Rabbit cage construction and j feeder placement

    Maybe I just haven't entered the right search terms, but I've been trying to search for placement guidelines or recommendations on where and specifically how high to place feeders. The one I am currently working on is a 24x48x18 cage to use for my kindling doe. So, the feeder will be used for...
  13. balloonflower

    Bloody hen in winter

    So, I have a BO who has gone broody on me for a week. Tried just moving her from boxes, locking out of the run, and have now graduated to a small wire cage. Thing is, she has plucked all her breast feathers already. This weekend, our weather is great for the whole wire cage thing, but early...
  14. balloonflower

    My adventures in rabbit breeding

    So, I've posted a bit on a couple other threads, but I'll do a quick intro. I have had three Silver Fox buns for a little over a month now, and enjoying it. I did as much research as I could, and now to the point where practical experience and screwups will teach now. For getting started, we...
  15. balloonflower

    Sentricon for termites safe to use around chickens?

    My little flock of seven free ranges in half of my backyard. We do have a termite infestation in our garage, so need to treat to get rid of that and avoid further problems. The pest control company is recommending Sentricon bait system. Is this safe to put in the areas the chooks have access...
  16. balloonflower

    Flock Block from brewer's grains?

    DH brought me a 5gal bucket of spent grain from a coworker. My seven girls love them, but I was looking for a way to keep other than freeze (no extra space now). Can I just mix in a pan with a binder and bake into blocks? What should I use to bind?
  17. balloonflower

    Dried elderberries and rose hips

    I have some leftover that I'd like to treat my chickies to, as I won't use them soon. So, do I just toss into my ferment, or soak them to hydrate and just feed as a treat separately? I do small batches of FF, so they wouldn't be in for longer than 3-4 days.
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