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  • Users: Haazegirl
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  1. Haazegirl

    Cool start to incubating?

    Our chickens were all massacred by a mink last week, so my son took all the Un-refrigerated eggs and started the incubator. I noticed yesterday the temp was a little low when candling them, around 92*. There seems to maybe be growth, but it's hard to tell with brown eggs. Could they be slow...
  2. Haazegirl

    Doe Rabbit Screams and Runs at Buck in Cage?

    We just got our 3rd rabbit and she's the first doe we've ever gotten. We have a silver fox buck that we plan on breeding her with next year for show bunnies. Today we were cleaning out cages, and moving things around. My son hooked her up to a leash and went outside for some hopping around time...
  3. Haazegirl

    How do you get geese and/or ducks to lay in nest boxes?

    I have 2mutt geese that we kept for eggs. They have been laying fairly often, but only once in the nest box. They bury them pretty good in the coop bedding or in a nasty little place off the side of the barn. What are their habits for laying? Can I put out fake eggs like with chickens? Will it...
  4. Haazegirl

    Angora Rabbit Bunnies in Southern MN

    We have an excess of French/German angora rabbits. My buck Loki sired 19 kits with two purebred french does. He just won a blue ribbon at the county fair. His heritage is 15% French and 85% German, he does molt and can be plucked or sheared. There are all sorts of colors available. Black, white...
  5. Haazegirl

    Help, dirty abandoned fertile egg!

    My hen went MIA last night. She's been sitting on eggs about 2 weeks. I took them inside to candle and 6 were infertile, 1 developed into a stink bomb which I removed safely, and the last one we believe is still growing. The egg is pretty dirty and I was wondering if I should wash it? Or leave...
  6. Haazegirl

    Help! Henrietta abandoned her eggs!

    Our oldest and most crotchety old hen who refuses to live with the other chickens set a clutch of 8 eggs in an empty garbage can. We've checked on her every morning, noon, and night. Tonight she's not there. I told my boys not to worry I'd start the incubator so we could have her babies. Well...
  7. Haazegirl

    Help Henrietta is missing and left her eggs!

    Our oldest and most crotchety old hen who refuses to live with the other chickens set a clutch in an empty garbage can. We've checked on her every morning, noon, and night. Tonight she's not there. I told my boys not to worry I'd start the incubator so we could have her babies. Well 6 of them...
  8. Haazegirl

    New Duck Mobile!

    I just finished working on an old chicken tractor that is now a glorified duck mobile! Our rooster is not so fond of newcomers, and I don't think our chicken waterer could stand up to ducks playing with it. So we're starting with this. Our first ducks fell victim to raccoons. I was so sad when...
  9. Haazegirl

    Fishy Duck Egg Conundrum

    So I've had my 2 Cayugas for 2 weeks or so and we're getting 1-2 eggs everyday. I bought adults and we keep them in a "duck tractor" so they get a fresh little plot of grass everyday. Their eggs smell a fishy and we get some blood spots in the eggs. We feed them the same exact feed and water as...
  10. Haazegirl

    Ducks Missing!

    I just picked them up on Tuesday and we retrofitted a chicken tractor to house them. Today was the first day we opened the door to let them free range and hopefully find the kiddie pool. They were half way out when they saw my husband and retreated. Then he tried to force them out. Needless to...
  11. Haazegirl

    Heated Waterer

    I have the electric metal base for heating the galvanized water founts and it only works to 10 degrees. We are at -13 and it's not working. This is a very cold week and my DH is gone. I'm in a small town and have to leave to get to a fleet store that actually has anything. I'm going to take some...
  12. Haazegirl

    Chilled Eggs - I'm an idiot

    I left the lid off of the incubator over night. They were on their 13th day, I took the lid off to give them a breather and was going to candle them after getting my kids to sleep and forgot. What do I do? I know you are not supposed to chill the eggs. I was so worried that they would turn into...
  13. Haazegirl

    Day 10 Candling Dark Eggs 1st Timer!

    I'm so worried! I just candled all the eggs it is day 10, my room was totally dark and I used the same high powered flashlight as when I set them. I pulled out 5 or 6 clear/unfertilized eggs which was easy enough to tell. I saw some air sacks, but was worried about all the grey-ness! I don't...
  14. Haazegirl

    [b]HELP Rooster with Burnt Comb? Images posted[/b]

    Our rooster Wyatt looks awful! His comb is all black on top, and there seems to be blood on his neck feathers! He was just fine yesterday, and looks like hell today! In the early spring we noticed some black spots on their combs, and they appeared to be missing little nodules wherever the spot...
  15. Haazegirl

    Feather Picking - Help!

    We have close to 50 chicks that are about 9 weeks old. It was my first time ordering from Ideal poultry and I mixed and matched the chicks to get 6 breeds, and some of them aren't doing so well. The chanteclers are growing slower, and some are just down right tiny. The ameraucanas are big and...
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