Doe Rabbit Screams and Runs at Buck in Cage?


10 Years
Jan 15, 2010
Southern Minnesota
We just got our 3rd rabbit and she's the first doe we've ever gotten. We have a silver fox buck that we plan on breeding her with next year for show bunnies. Today we were cleaning out cages, and moving things around. My son hooked her up to a leash and went outside for some hopping around time. Then she ran towards the cage our buck was in while his hutch was being cleaned and started squealing and screaming trying to get in to him!

Is this normal? I've heard of the bucks squealing after, and even found that some does will before/afterwards. But is she that desperate that she is throwing herself at him screaming? Or is she going to kill him when we try to breed next year?

She's still a junior, and may be stressed out getting used to my kids, and we are slowly changing over her food.She's not quite as friendly as our buck. But was picked by the breeder to be a good match.
She's a junior, so there's no telling what's going on in her head.
I'm hoping that she actually is a doe - even very experienced breeders make mistakes, particularly with juniors. She may be very "alpha" in personality, so it could be a sign of potential breeding problems to come. When she is old enough to breed, I would be absolutely sure that her hormones are "peaking" before I put her in with a buck.
Thanks, she's 3 months old. When we got our angora buck he was supposed to be 4 months old and you could definitely tell! He was ready to rock, and bred with 2 does who had a total of 21 kits! I hope she's not a late bloomer in disguise!

Is there anything more you can tell me about alpha females? What does that all entail?

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