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  1. nomadfromcincy

    Isbar (Silverudds Blue) 7-week old Chicks

    I believe these are Isbar chicks -- they were straight run from Alchemist farm and she said some of them are Isbars. I guess it is possible they are Sage Eggers. If anyone is familiar with that breed around 7 weeks, please correct me! These are a nice breed - generally have been more...
  2. nomadfromcincy

    Moss Eggers - sexing at 7 weeks

    Second post... this one for the 4 Moss Eggers. Straight run chicks from Alchemist Farm. Apparently they also come in blue or black, but ours are white with some black patches. They are labeled 7-10. Apologies for the ones with the red heat lamp lighting. #9 looks like a cockerel and I am...
  3. nomadfromcincy

    Sexing 7 week old chicks - Black Copper Marans?

    We have 12 chicks that we sourced straight run from Alchemist Farm. I am going to post them separately so that any experts in each breed can provide guidance. I am pretty sure these are 5 black copper marans. And also looks like we have some roosters. Multiple photos of each and they are...
  4. nomadfromcincy


    I posted a question over in the Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures forum; Imp suggested that I come over to introduce myself. I live just north of Seattle in Green Lake. We have three hens as of today, though it's been an interesting process to get here. We started with four pullets...
  5. nomadfromcincy

    One of my hens died last night -- cocci (?) help need please

    Thanks for the quick response. I'll introduce myself in the other forum. I do see some blood in the poop. Based on those charts, sounds like Coccidiosis. Any treatments? I think they have been getting enough light, though the timer doesn't work so the hours have been less regular.
  6. nomadfromcincy

    One of my hens died last night -- cocci (?) help need please

    This morning I found one of my hens dead in the bottom of our coop. I live in Seattle they are about 9-10 months old. I have one americauna, two black austrolorps, and one leghorn (RIP). Here are the only signs that I observed: - About a week ago, all four hens stopped laying (they still...
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