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One thing you could do, since you are planning to get a second new one soon, is to just go get one if you want. Much as I am happy to bring my little Rocky to you in late Feb, it may not work for you.

My thoughts are that since you have the BA alone right now. And since the other one is integrating well with the group. What if in a few days you made the new one be the roommate of the BA for a week of more if they get along well enough when alone. It may be that the BA will be lonely enough that she will accept the EE, just for companionship. Worth a try maybe.
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I've checked in just in the nick of time. My Silkie has just gone broody. I took away the few eggs she had under her yesterday, but she's still been on the nest all day today. I ALWAYS give in and let them try to hatch something, or get them day old chicks and I REALLY don't want to add to my duck/chicken population for a few months at least. Anyway, will try this strategy and anything else that comes up.
Chicken Rustler has had some really bad luck with an incubator. I believe he has eggs that are ready to go in. But I am not sure of the specifics. He is down in Ethel. It is between Kelso and Centralia, and then a few miles east. Maybe you can work something out. I think he was looking forward to hatching, but doesn't have anybody broody right now.
What a day.

I had put my BA back with the others later in the day and separated the EE, though she was next to them in the run. I made temporary fence to separate them. I was going to place her on the roost after dark (give that a shot.. see if they notice in the morning
), and when I came down to the coop she had somehow muscled through my fence and gone up to roost with the rest. Thankfully she found a spot next to one of my BOs, so no battles with my BA.

There really isn't any nasty fighting, just pecking and chasing. I think I am interfering more than I should. I am going to place some extra food in a separate spot for a few days and see if they can sort this mess out for themselves. I will keep a close watch and see how things go.

I did finish my second nest box... It is above my first box, and is the "penthouse suite" !
With the 13 chickens I have that going on all the time. I think they will be fine in time. And I wouldn't be in a hurry to get them down to one feeding area. I have 3 because there is always somebody pecking down the order. With 3, I only have one little EE that I worry about. I just throw a little bit of food her way until everybody else is done feeding. Then she can eat to her hearts content.
I posted a question over in the Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures forum; Imp suggested that I come over to introduce myself.

I live just north of Seattle in Green Lake. We have three hens as of today, though it's been an interesting process to get here. We started with four pullets in July -- our dog got one and the other three turned out to be roosters. Not a great start. I traded the roosters for hens and then we had five hens -- 2 Leghorns, 2 Black Austrolorps, 1 Americauna. One of the Leghorns was lost to a raccoon and we lost the other this morning to what appears to be disease. She wasn't a very good layer but Scooby Doo RIP.

So we are left with three hens -- they were all good layers for a while (they are about 8-9 months old now) but we haven't got any eggs for a week. I have a bad feeling they are all sick. Does anyone have a source for chicken meds in the Seattle area? I think I need to get Corid or Sulmet.

Thanks all.
/Washingtonians. I used to live on Phinney, kitty corner from the Zoo.

Sorry, I can't help you with the meds. One thing that may be happening, is that they may be grieving. And also, it is winter. So don't lose hope yet. If you have Yogurt, give them some ASAP. Flavored is fine, but I avoid the ones with artificial sweetener. And be sure to feed that to them soon after the med regime is complete for a few days.

Keep dropping by. There are a lot of fun people on here. It is good to have the support at a moments notice when you need it.

Let us know what happens.
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It's a good day in my neighborhood.

Can ya tell I am SOOO EGGSCITED !!!!. Found a shed on CL and got it. I didn't have to pay anything but man did it cost me. During loading it fell on trailer broke a tail light and samshed my finger. Then I was in a hurry and didn't see that board with the nail sticking up. Yes it went right through my best rubber boot and deep into my foot. Wouldn't have been so bad but it stuck and I had to grab the board and pull it out. "DANG IT JIM"!!!! Got the shed loaded and strapped down get in the truck and DW and I look at each other WHAT IS THAT STYNCH ???? I got the truck out of the field and get out to unlock the hubs and Diane is ROFL. I open the door to get in and there it is on on my floor. Seems I had also stepped on a DOG MINE !!!!
On the way home I decided to stop at The Farm Store to see if they could offer any help on my LG bator. Well not much help but they had a new wafer so I decided to risk the $11. When I went to put the new wafer in I got a real lesson. Did ya know they are supposed to have liquid in them? Mine didn't. In fact it came apart as I took it out.
I now have it heating and the dang thing only changes by about a degree before it goes off or on.
I think I fissed it!!! Hopin to set eggs tomorrow.
O and the shed ....... well it will be mated up to the dog kennel to become the new home for my OEGB's and Buttercup.

YES all in all it has been a good day just a couple bumps in the road.
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