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  1. Michigan Transplant

    Can chickens go all day without food?

    I am having trouble with my goats getting into the chicken house and eating their food. I have put it up to where the chickens have to fly up to eat but the stupid goats will still get in there and jump onto the shelf and knock everything down. I have tried putting boards at different angles on...
  2. Michigan Transplant

    White glob inside the egg when cracked

    Can anyone tell me what causes and what it is when you crack an egg and there is a white glob of something inside. I thought it was nothing at first but some of the others eggs are the same thing. I collect the eggs daily so it can't be that they have set for so long that they are growing a...
  3. Michigan Transplant

    Kitty Litter

    Has anyone ever used kitty litter instead of shavings or paper towel? Had a friend tell me to use it in the rabbit pans and I was thinking it might be good for the new chicks and ducks I am getting in March IF it wouldn't be harmful. Just thought that they might try and eat it and that wouldn't...
  4. Michigan Transplant

    Newbie to Ducks

    I just ordered 4 ducks to be hatched in March and know nothing about ducks except I think they are cute. I ordered Rouens, 3 hens and a drake. Can someone offer advice on them? How old before they start laying eggs? Are they good egg layers? I did read some about they like to lay eggs on the...
  5. Michigan Transplant

    When do they show signs

    I ordered 12 black and white chicks back in Feb/March and then decided a month later I wanted a rooster (Wyandott). So far the male doesn't look any different from the females. I have him with three chicks I hatched a few days before I got him. His waddle and comb are not any bigger than the...
  6. Michigan Transplant

    What's wrong?

    I have had two hens in the past three weeks get weak and just squat on the floor. They let me pick them up and NO they are not egg bound. I thought it was the heat but after bringing them in and cooling them off, within a few minutes them both had the same symptoms. Both started gagging and...
  7. Michigan Transplant

    Are these RIR

    I have a RIR rooster and a Silver Campine Rooster in the same pen and they get along. When the RIR rooster finishes a hen, the SC mounts them. I put some eggs in the bator three weeks ago and this is what hatched out on Saturday/Sunday. I can't tell if they are full RIR or part of the Campine is...
  8. Michigan Transplant

    I'm bored and need something to take care of

    Not sure if I have empty nest syndrome or what but I need something else to fill my time. I was checking into rabbits but when I read that they don't take to the heat well, that took them out of the running. I would have to put them down in the chicken house or the barn and I think it would be...
  9. Michigan Transplant

    Telling chicks apart

    Since these will be my first "Black"chicks ( I have RIR's) I am wondering how to tell them apart. Ordered three different breeds and will be picking them up next Wednesday 16th. Since they are all of the black variety I was wondering if someone knew the best way to tell them apart. I ordered 4...
  10. Michigan Transplant

    Peeling eggs

    My husband wanted me to ask if ANYONE know a good way to boil and peel eggs. We have tried different methods we have been told and they do not work. End up with chunks out of the whites when you peel them to make deviled eggs or just a hard boiled egg. It takes forever to peel one eggs. Really...
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