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  1. F

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    Me again… I think these are my last chickens in question this season. These are 5 week old Wyandottes. I’ve never had them before so don’t know what to expect for combs, wattles, and coloration. There are three. ( two pictures of one, two pictures of two) Is one of them a cockerel? They are...
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    Roo or hen?

    Hi everyone. Is this RIR a roo ? It’s supposed to be a pullet but we know unfortunately a roo can get mixed in the bin my mistake. The first two pics are the same bird in question, the third pic is of both RIRs that were bought together, same age.
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    Bottom beak out of place

    Has anyone seen this before? It’s bottom beak is out of place quite a bit! Honestly I don’t know if it is an injury or is just growing that way. Anything to be too confused about as long as it’s eating and drinking? I can squeeze the top and bottom together and it doesn’t “seem” to be bothered...
  4. F

    What type of Wyandottes are these?

    I have three Wyandotte pullets that I purchased but they were just labeled Wyandottes. Can you tell the specific color laced pattern they will be. The photo of the two are same pattern , the single one in photo is a tad different
  5. F

    Thoughts on using this as nesting boxes

    I picked up this wood shelf off the side of the road being thrown out. Do you think it can be used for the hens nesting boxes? We are in the process of building coop and planned to make the egg boxes but if I can save money using this it would be great. Each shelf is 11 1/4 inch tall, 11...
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    Chicken coop name

    Help me pick a name for my chicken coop sign! We are building a 8x16 open air coop that will have a mixed flock of hens and a couple of roos. They free range from dawn to dusk so they will really just be sleeping in it at night, and of course laying eggs. Any cute or cool name suggestions?
  7. F

    Rooster or hen?

    Hi! I have two Easter eggers that we hatched 19 weeks ago. One is clearly a rooster, and the other, up until the past couple of days I swore was a hen. The rooster grew much faster and bigger than the other, but could she just be growing more slowly and is actually a rooster ? The hatches the...
  8. F

    Another sick chicken

    Hello, I had eleven chickens together. One waa sick and died last week. This week I have another chicken acting the same and getting picked on by the other girls ( because she is sick I guess ) they did that to the other hen that died. What could it be, I guess it’s spreading? All the girls food...
  9. F

    Chick Peeping/whistle sound

    Hello, I have a 5 week old chick ( Easter egger) That has been making this peeping/whistle sound constantly, it also closes its eyes for periods of time while making these sounds. Also, it seems to be sneezing . ( sorry for the it, I don’t know if it is a he or she’s yet. Its with 7 other...
  10. F

    Egg shell deformity / bumps

    Can you take a look at the picture of this egg and able to tell me what the cause is from? This chicken has only layed about 4 pretty - shelled egg in the past year. They are always like this. Here and there I get a couple of my other chicken’s eggs with minor bumps on them , but nothing like this.
  11. F


    To deal with mosquitoes in coop at night… ( I’m Florida swamp area) Would screening in the run and vents of their house restrict air flow too much? I dont want to buy zappers that just “kinda” work. I can’t buy the refills that come with most. Also would need to run an extension cord across...
  12. F

    Eggs/ layer feed

    Hi! Several of my hens are laying eggs with extra calcium deposits, bumps, etc. everything was read is saying too much calcium. What do I do ? They are free range but have commercial layer feed at all times. How do I regulate calcium if it’s in the feed ? I’m trying to sell the eggs but I only...
  13. F

    Chicken layed egg with no shell, twice

    Hi, one of my hens has layed an egg without an egg shell ( or very thin, almost like a wet paper towel shell) . This is the second day in a row she has done this. I have 11 laying hens, but this one is one of four almost 3 years old Rhode Island Reds. ( I know she’s the one because I saw her lay...
  14. F

    Light brown egg shells white chalky , and rough

    Every single light brown egg shell ( I believe from my one and only Delaware ) has been very rough and/ or white chalky spots and raised bumps. Every single one since she started laying! Anyone know why that would be? Pic attached. I have 4 Rhode Island Reds, 2 red sex links, 1 black australorp...
  15. F

    Hen or rooster?

    Hi! Wondering if one of my girls is actually a rooster? It’s one of 4 chicks that I got April 4th this year. So about 14 weeks old. She’s huge... already bigger than all my adult Rhode Island Reds, Golden Buffs, and Australorp. And way bigger than the other three ( Leghorns and Delaware) that I...
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