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  1. M


    So... 8ve got a couple squirrels playing around in my fairly big chicken yard for the last couple days. I'm guilty of encouraging them, I must admit, with some peanut cashes I've left out there for them. So anyways, anybody have some pros or cons on that deal going on in my chicken yard?
  2. M

    A very important reason for buying sexed chicks.

    If your like thousands of us who're raising your backyard flock as a hobby, having a well planned and balanced flock is an essential ingredient to be desired and planned for.. You might very well not be into killing or butchering your extra roosters, like a lot of us, and trust me, getting rid...
  3. M

    Choosing chicks at the feedstore

    2 small bits of advise for those who've recently started their backyard flocks. 1) day old chicks aren't as robust as 4 or 5 day old bigger chicks, if you have a choice, and you'll have better luck with even a few days extra start on them. 2) Don't just let the clerk sweep up the individual...
  4. M

    When to let Mommy and new chicks into the flock

    Just an update, I heeded in general the advice regarding when to let mommy and her chicks out into the flock and at about 3 to 4 weeks, saw mommy pacing the cage line, telling me herself that she was ready and anxious to end her isolation time and bring herself and her chicks out. I let them...
  5. M

    When do I let mommy and her chicks loose in the flock?

    I segregated mommy and her clutch before they hatched, in part of the chicken coop, and that's worked out well, and i had a successful hatch of 10 of 11 eggs, and now going onto 3 weeks with the hen and chicks still segragated, I'm wondering when I can successfully release her and her brood...
  6. M

    Can anyone clue me in as to why most of the time when we're frying eggs, the whites are a bit watery, and the yolk memrbrane weak and it breaks?a

    Heya Backyard Chicken peeps! Can anyone clue me in as to why when we're frying our eggs, the whites are watery, and the yolk membrane so weak that they almost always break?
  7. M

    Egg quality

    Well, I'm actually asking a question, not an article, but heck if i can figure out where and how, so I'll ask here. My flocks young, about 8 months old or so, and when we go to use the eggs, when we break them, the shells nice and hard, but the whites are pretty watery, and the yolks, pretty...
  8. M

    Who's laying the double yolkers?

    So, here's a fun question to ask our more experienced members! The other day, we cracked open 3 eggs from our daily egg collection, from our 9, 7 month old laying hens. We were delighted to find 2 double yolk eggs! The question is, "Who(s) done it?!?!" We don't mess with our little flock...
  9. M

    To many roosters?

    So, i bought my chicks sexed, and 3 turned out roosters. No biggie, happens. But now, 7 or so months later, a flock of 17, 3 roosters, 14 hens, the roosters being basically teens, they're stalking the hens as a gang, kinda, and then jumping whatever hen they can, one after another. I want...
  10. M

    Weed killers to use that won't harm chickens

    Heya guys. I'm new to the south, and about 5 months ago set up my chicken yard. Everythings going great, but.. KUDZU!!!! It's growing up over EVERYTHING!! Anyone have a suggestion for how to combat it, including whatever weed killers to use that wont harm my girls?
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