

Jul 21, 2019
So... 8ve got a couple squirrels playing around in my fairly big chicken yard for the last couple days. I'm guilty of encouraging them, I must admit, with some peanut cashes I've left out there for them.
So anyways, anybody have some pros or cons on that deal going on in my chicken yard?
Squirrels could bring in disease because they hang out where wild birds do. And then there's this:
So... Ive got a couple squirrels playing around in my fairly big chicken yard for the last couple days. I'm guilty of encouraging them, I must admit, with some peanut cashes I've left out there for them.
So anyways, anybody have some pros or cons thoughts on that deal going on in my chicken yard?
Im pretty sure squirrels prey on very young chickens. Their pretty pest like and hoard (stealing) a TON of food. They carry stuff like ticks, to. Pros i can’t really think of. Their cute i suppose. Also total pests if you plan on bird watching, trying to attract them to your yard with feeders.

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