Who's laying the double yolkers?


Jul 21, 2019
So, here's a fun question to ask our more experienced members!
The other day, we cracked open 3 eggs from our daily egg collection, from our 9, 7 month old laying hens.
We were delighted to find 2 double yolk eggs!
The question is, "Who(s) done it?!?!"
We don't mess with our little flock much, as they go about their daily business, free ranging in their good sized chicken yard, and wondering in and out of the chicken house at will, to do their laying, so... short of segragating the girls from the rest of their girlfriends, one at a time for 2 to 3 days, how do we figure out who(s) donenit?
So, here's a fun question to ask our more experienced members!
The other day, we cracked open 3 eggs from our daily egg collection, from our 9, 7 month old laying hens.
We were delighted to find 2 double yolk eggs!
The question is, "Who(s) done it?!?!"
We don't mess with our little flock much, as they go about their daily business, free ranging in their good sized chicken yard, and wondering in and out of the chicken house at will, to do their laying, so... short of segragating the girls from the rest of their girlfriends, one at a time for 2 to 3 days, how do we figure out who(s) donenit?
Nearly all of my pullets laid at least one double yolker when they first started. Any one of your girls could have done it. Once their reproductive systems have fully matured, the double yolkers will stop.
If your nine pullets lay all the same color eggs, you may never know. You may or may not get more but you’ll have to get eggs frequently throughout the day to hopefully narrow it down to the specific pullet and then it may not be the same one that laid the previous double yolker. Enjoy them while you can! They will probably be less frequent as the pullets mature.
If your nine pullets lay all the same color eggs, you may never know. You may or may not get more but you’ll have to get eggs frequently throughout the day to hopefully narrow it down to the specific pullet and then it may not be the same one that laid the previous double yolker. Enjoy them while you can! They will probably be less frequent as the pullets mature.
I'm going to haveto go out and give the girls a stern lecture and impress upon them that i expect them to not sluff off on that!

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