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  1. P

    Keep losing chickens

    So far so good, but only time will tell if I have gotten ahead of it or not.
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    Keep losing chickens

    Interesting, thanks for the tip. Not sure if I have any of that left over from the covid days when Dr's were using the shotgun method to treat it. I'll check and see if I do just in case.
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    Keep losing chickens

    Thanks for the responses. It does look like Avian flu... :( Trying everything I can think of to boost their immune systems. We've started giving them all the fresh organic fruits, herbs, and veggies they can handle (used to give just a couple times a week, but now daily) along fresh pumpkin...
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    Keep losing chickens

    So about 6 months ago I lost the first, since then I have been losing 1 about a month now and not sure what this bug is. All the girls were healthy up to the onset then gone within 1-4 days. Symptoms are: General listlessness behavior. Loss of appetite with little to no interest in food. Issues...
  5. P

    Can I introduce some new Barred Rock chicks to a Brood of Production reds?

    The best method I have found to integrate new younger birds to an established flock is to keep the younger birds in or next to the coop inside a large dog crate for at least two weeks. I have had very good success with adding new birds to the flock with next to no bullying or aggressiveness from...
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    What breeds go along well with silkies?

    I have three bearded bantam silkies and they are with 5 Easter eggers, 1 Olive Egger, 2 Brahmas, a Polish, Frizzled Cochin, Gold Seabrite, Japanese Black Bantam, red laced Barnvelder, a grey cochin, and a couple of French Black Copper Marans. Over the past two years for the most part all the...
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    Baffled over shell-less egg cause

    Not yet, I had to order the right kind to give her. Giving pills to chickens is fairly straight forward and not too difficult. Just takes a little practice to get them to open up and get the pill far enough back so they will swallow the pills. This video helped me when I had to give one of my...
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    Baffled over shell-less egg cause

    I am, but mostly because I want to use it up. Once it is all used up I'll either go back to the Scratch and Peck Layer 18% or look for another brand. I'll try giving her a calcium tablet for the next few days to see if it helps.
  9. P

    Black Copper Maran Laying Soft Eggs

    About 2-2.5 months back I recently started mixing the a crumble style feed with the Scratch-n-Peck so it's much harder to just pick out the grains. I know about egg color loss before a molt, but she just finished molting and had started laying again for about a month before having issues with...
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    Baffled over shell-less egg cause

    Interesting. I have had a near identical issue for the same amount of time as you have with one of my black copper marans suddenly started laying pale very thin to shell-less eggs. I also recently started feeding my birds Texas Naturals Layer feed probably about 2 - 2.5 months ago. I don't...
  11. P

    New to chickens & we have a bully it seems. Help!

    Anytime. I have had to do this a couple of times when adding younger birds to the existing flock to reduce the bullying, and it's worked every time.
  12. P

    Black Copper Maran Laying Soft Eggs

    She laid today and this is what her eggs have looked like since she finished her molt about 2 months ago. The center of the egg is darker than it has been and this egg is has a shell, albeit very thin. This egg is from her sister and hers used to be darker than this as well. The...
  13. P

    New to chickens & we have a bully it seems. Help!

    This is not all that uncommon. The Millie is trying to assert herself at the top of the pecking order in the flock and sees the sapphire splash as competition. Some birds are more aggressive than others when it comes to this than others. I have a mixed flock of 20 birds and the queen of the...
  14. P

    Please help! Seeking every legal avenue for vengeance after a slaughter (TX).

    Get or borrow some animal traps. If/when and you're lucky to trap them, haul them off to the pound. I used to have a real problem with neighborhood cats using the gardens as litter boxes and going after my bantams. Luckily my naked neck pullet is a guard chicken and will attack a cat on sight...
  15. P

    Guardian Goose in Urban Flock? (some graphic description)

    Sorry that you're having predator issues. From the sounds of it and depending on the time of day the attack was more likely a hawk instead of a coon. Coons almost never come after chickens during the day as they are mostly nocturnal. Not saying this is what happened in your case, but by the...
  16. P

    I am new here and building and run and shelter with laying boxes how big should each be for 16 chickens? thanks

    I built an 8x9 open frame "shed" style coop for my 19 birds. Attached to it is a pre-fab coop I bought when I first got chickens. It's built out of 2x4's, and I have 12x12 pavers around the base to prevent anything digging under it. The entire coop is wrapped with 1/4 hardware cloth including...
  17. P

    What to do about RATS?

    From my experience some of the best methods to prevent varmints like rats from getting into the feed is as Al Gerhart recommended the use of a step or treadle feeders and if possible discontinue feeding outside the coop. If your coop design is such that you have to feed outside of it, make sure...
  18. P

    Black Copper Maran Laying Soft Eggs

    Thanks for replying. The entire flock has full access to crushed oyster shells, given crushed egg shells several times a week, along with left over cooked eggs. They are all fed a mix of whole grains and crumble style layer feed (Scratch-n-Peck and Texas Natural Feeds) as well as freeze dried...
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    Black Copper Maran Laying Soft Eggs

    Hello all, I have a 2 year old BCM who shortly after molt started having issues with her eggs. She stopped laying during molt this year and I increased the protein content in the feed (freeze dried fly grubs) to help them out. She did not have a particularly hard molt losing only about 25% of...
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    HELP my girls wont go in their new coop.

    Very nice setup. When I built a larger roost for my birds it took them about a week to start using it. One thing that worked to spur them on was waiting until well after dark and moving a few of my birds that are at the top of the pecking order to the new roost. Since it was dark they were...
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