New to chickens & we have a bully it seems. Help!


Mar 25, 2021
We are new to chickens and recently got 8 chicks. 7 of them are just over 4 weeks old and they're all different breeds. 1 of them is a Mille Bantam and she's 6 weeks. We got her a couple weeks after we got our first girls and she fit in very well for the first couple weeks and had no issues! We thought so at least until a couple days ago. 2 days ago, I noticed a bit of blood on the tail feathers of our sapphire splash girl and I assumed a couple new feathers broke until I noticed that our Mille was picking at her so we cleaned her off and thought all was okay until I noticed her do it to the other girls. She is pecking, but not like the others. She's actually trying to pull feathers it seems. I assumed first it was the smaller space and she was bored, but even when they're outside and have lots of roam room, she still does it.

I put her in chicken time out in a brooder that's clear next to the other ladies and she was definitely bothered by it, but the other girls seemed thrilled that she was gone. Our Mille, Amalette, is the sweetest and loves people, but I just don't understand why she's started this with the other chicks. Is it her age? Boredom? She eats high quality chick starter with lots of protein and I feel them high protein snacks, but rarely. This morning, I tried to reintroduce her back into the run today since it's sunny outside and nice and it was like she had tunnel vision and went and started trying to peck the others and she first went to our silver splash that had lost some feathers and then went to our barnevelder to get her.

Long story not so short, I need a little help and reassurance that chicken time out is best for her? Do I let them sort it all out? Here I was worried that she was going to be picked on because she's going to be smaller than all of them and she's starting to bully. I just thought for sure with their space and lots of things to explore she wouldn't want to mess with everyone! One day of chicken jail wasn't enough I guess, but I'm weak and she was pitiful last night snuggled next to her stuffed animal. She has her own food and water and warmth in her brooder and right now she's in the coop in her brooder so she can hear the others, but unless they come in, she can't see them. Is there something I can do better here? Please, be kind, I'm new and just want to get this right. I would love to keep her, but just need some guidance!
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We are new to chickens and recently got 8 chicks. 7 of them are just over 4 weeks old and they're all different breeds. 1 of them is a Mille Bantam and she's 6 weeks. We got her a couple weeks after we got our first girls and she fit in very well. We thought so at least until a couple days ago. 2 days ago, I noticed a bit of blood on the tail feathers of our sapphire splash girl and I assumed a couple new feathers broke until I noticed that our Mille was picking at her so we cleaned her off and thought all was okay until I noticed her do it to the other girls. She is pecking, but not like the others. She's actually trying to pull feathers it seems. I assumed first it was the smaller space and she was bored, but even when they're outside and have lots of roam room, she still does it.

I put her in chicken time out in a brooder that's clear next to the other ladies and she was definitely bothered by it, but the other girls seemed thrilled that she was gone. Our Mille, Amalette, is the sweetest and loves people, but I just don't understand why she's started this with the other chicks. Is it her age? Boredom? She eats high quality chick starter with lots of protein and I feel them high protein snacks, but rarely. This morning, I tried to reintroduce her back into the run today since it's sunny outside and nice and it was like she had tunnel vision and went and started trying to peck the others and she first went to our silver splash that had lost some feathers and then went to our barnevelder to get her.

Long story not so short, I need a little help and reassurance that chicken time out is best for her? Do I let them sort it all out? Here I was worried that she was going to be picked on because she's going to be smaller than all of them and she's starting to bully. I just thought for sure with their space and lots of things to explore she wouldn't want to mess with everyone! One day of chicken jail wasn't enough I guess, but I'm weak and she was pitiful last night snuggled next to her stuffed animal. She has her own food and water and warmth in her brooder and right now she's in the coop in her brooder so she can hear the others, but unless they come in, she can't see them. Is there something I can do better here? Please, be kind, I'm new and just want to get this right. I would love to keep her, but just need some guidance!
I suggest you keep her separated from the other ones, but within view so they get used to each other more.
This is not all that uncommon. The Millie is trying to assert herself at the top of the pecking order in the flock and sees the sapphire splash as competition. Some birds are more aggressive than others when it comes to this than others. I have a mixed flock of 20 birds and the queen of the roost is my black Japanese Bantam. None of the other birds will challenge her and she is quick to put them in their place if they get out of line. It's the funniest thing to watch a 1.5 pound chicken scold a 10 pound Brahma..

You can isolate in the same brooder or coop her as @Lucy Brown suggested and it may work, but it might take a few weeks. Otherwise you may have to isolate the Millie for a few weeks to allow the others time to establish the order then re-introduce her to the flock but in a controlled manner. If you go this route get a smallish crate that has enough room for the Millie to run around in and put her in it in the coop while the rest so they can interact together but limit the contact. Leave her in there like that for at least 2-3 weeks and then let her mingle with the flock in supervised sessions to watch their behavior. You may still see some pecking and posturing going on during this time. This is normal and will usually sort itself out over a few days. Step in only if there is any bullying or relentless pecking happening that could lead to injury. I have had to do this with a couple of birds when adding them to the flock, and it's worked very well.
This is not all that uncommon. The Millie is trying to assert herself at the top of the pecking order in the flock and sees the sapphire splash as competition. Some birds are more aggressive than others when it comes to this than others. I have a mixed flock of 20 birds and the queen of the roost is my black Japanese Bantam. None of the other birds will challenge her and she is quick to put them in their place if they get out of line. It's the funniest thing to watch a 1.5 pound chicken scold a 10 pound Brahma..

You can isolate in the same brooder or coop her as @Lucy Brown suggested and it may work, but it might take a few weeks. Otherwise you may have to isolate the Millie for a few weeks to allow the others time to establish the order then re-introduce her to the flock but in a controlled manner. If you go this route get a smallish crate that has enough room for the Millie to run around in and put her in it in the coop while the rest so they can interact together but limit the contact. Leave her in there like that for at least 2-3 weeks and then let her mingle with the flock in supervised sessions to watch their behavior. You may still see some pecking and posturing going on during this time. This is normal and will usually sort itself out over a few days. Step in only if there is any bullying or relentless pecking happening that could lead to injury. I have had to do this with a couple of birds when adding them to the flock, and it's worked very well.
i agree :goodpost:
This is not all that uncommon. The Millie is trying to assert herself at the top of the pecking order in the flock and sees the sapphire splash as competition. Some birds are more aggressive than others when it comes to this than others. I have a mixed flock of 20 birds and the queen of the roost is my black Japanese Bantam. None of the other birds will challenge her and she is quick to put them in their place if they get out of line. It's the funniest thing to watch a 1.5 pound chicken scold a 10 pound Brahma..

You can isolate in the same brooder or coop her as @Lucy Brown suggested and it may work, but it might take a few weeks. Otherwise you may have to isolate the Millie for a few weeks to allow the others time to establish the order then re-introduce her to the flock but in a controlled manner. If you go this route get a smallish crate that has enough room for the Millie to run around in and put her in it in the coop while the rest so they can interact together but limit the contact. Leave her in there like that for at least 2-3 weeks and then let her mingle with the flock in supervised sessions to watch their behavior. You may still see some pecking and posturing going on during this time. This is normal and will usually sort itself out over a few days. Step in only if there is any bullying or relentless pecking happening that could lead to injury. I have had to do this with a couple of birds when adding them to the flock, and it's worked very well.
That all makes total sense and I’m at least glad it’s not uncommon! I feel awful for her all alone in her own brooder, but I know it’s for the best and they’ll all be better for it! I’ll keep her in there and hope the time apart does some good and works! Really great advise! Thank you!!
I use this for 'Nasty Chick' jail, right in the brooder.
Might be too small for a 4wo tho, it's made of 1/2" Hardware Cloth.

Crate might work better:
It sounds like she was bottom of the pecking order and is trying to move up, the others will be resentful, there will be a bit of pecking but at 4 weeks is the best time to sort out these things. Once they get older, bigger and stronger they can also do more damage.
Her drawing blood is no good though but time out won't stop it happening. Only if the other chickens get a bit bigger. At least it would stop it happening temporarily to let the others heal..
You can try using a spray bottle and watch them and spray it every time it acts aggressively. I find that works better than time out but is more time consuming.

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