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  1. NestingMillenial

    Sneezing and wheezing

    My Black Copper Maran is sneezing and wheezing. I heard her sneeze yesterday when feeding and again today when foraging. I caught her and put her aside. Now that we're alone, with me sitting next to her crate, inside and in relative silence, I can hear her breathing with small gargling, like a...
  2. NestingMillenial

    Question on Safe-Guard vs Aquasol product info

    I am looking at Safeguard right now and I have some questions when I compare the dosage often given here and the ones for Aquasol (the approved version for chickens) Aquasol is 200mg fenbendazole/ml of product (20%) -> recommendations from the product bulletin and the US National Lib. of Med...
  3. NestingMillenial

    Finding vets doing lab work for chickens

    I thought I'd ask how you guys manage this, because I just went through several days of a maddening experience trying to call all the vets around me and ask them to perform a fecal float for my chickens. Basically none would agree to do so because they either don't see chickens (even after I...
  4. NestingMillenial

    Fowl Pox?

    Ok, so I think fowl pox is running through my flock (acquired last Friday btw - talk about bad luck 😭) Only one shows symptoms, she's lethargic and very thin - I attached a picture of her face She kept a bit aside yesterday and seemed to nap a bit more throughout the day but nothing too...
  5. NestingMillenial

    Fowl Pox

    EDIT Sorry, in a state of panic I posted on the wrong part of the forum: thread is now at Thank you!!
  6. NestingMillenial

    Keeping a the coop clean (prevention) - sulfur vs DE vs pyrethroids

    Another thread about dust baths made me want to post this and ask. I know the subject of coop cleaning has been discussed before but as far as I could find, sulfur was brought up as a side comment. I'd like to ask more about the pros and cons of it as opposed to pyrethroids and DE to routine...
  7. NestingMillenial

    How much pecking is too much pecking?

    I just picked up my 6 pullets and most of them have pretty short tail feathers, one is even butt naked on the whole pointy rump area (see pic). The henhouse we picked them up from has good reputation around here, as far as I can judge. They explained that they are wrapping up their current...
  8. NestingMillenial

    Sprouting grain mixes

    I am gearing up to pick up my little backyard flock this weekend and was looking into feed options -> I plan on feeding them fermented pellets/crumble and they also will have access to the whole backyard all day, including the compost pile with fresh scraps. I was considering sprouting some...
  9. NestingMillenial

    Central Texas / Waco Group Meetup Anyone?

    After posting on the Texas thread, I am realizing that this section of the forum might make more sense for this! After reading a lot about it, I just finally decided to jump in and get a little flock for my backyard. I have been lurking around here for some time, so I'm happy to have finally...
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