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  1. L and L

    Tractor Supply has chicks!!!!!

    They kept saying they were getting them and then they didn't. I guess weather was a factor. And when they did get them in, someone else bought them all before we got there. That was my aggravation! We live 25 miles from TSC.
  2. L and L

    Freak out with me ... chicks being delivered on Day 4!

    When we ordered chicks from the hatchery, I had to go to the post office to pick them up. They won't deliver them to the mailbox. I had called and gave them a heads up that they were coming, and they called right away. We're retired so I could zoom over right quick! We're still 8 for 8 on those...
  3. L and L

    Tractor Supply has chicks!!!!!

    In our experience, what Tractor Supply SAYS and what ACTUALLY happens are two different things!! Plus when they did get them in, they sold out immediately. We gave up on them and ordered ours from a hatchery!! Got 8 Plymouth Barred Rock in June last year!
  4. L and L

    Hard-boiling eggs

    I'm a little late on this thread, but wondering if anyone has suggestions for adjusting the cooking time for hard boiled smaller (pullet) eggs? My eggs are around 45 gram each, or about 1-1/2 oz. I would think to cook them less time, but how much? Any suggestions?
  5. L and L

    lethargic pullet

    New chicken person here. I have 8 barred rock pullets, 20 1/2 weeks old. We just started getting eggs this past week, I have 4 eggs so far. Mid-morning today, one pullet was AWOL. I didn't check the coop until after lunch. She was sitting on the roost in the corner. Then she moved to the other...
  6. L and L

    bumble foot? watch or treat?

    Hello, newbie chicken person here - I noticed this on a foot of one of our pullets (17 weeks old). Should I treat her for bumblefoot (soak it to loosen the bump) or just keep an eye on it yet? She's acting fine. I just don't know how proactive to be, bumblefoot sounds nasty if not caught early...
  7. L and L

    2 gallon or 5 gallon waterer for winter?

    Hello all, first time chicken person here. We are preparing for winter (central Kansas) and bought a Little Giant 3 gallon metal fount and a heated base for it. Today I realized that the heated base is 15" in diameter and the waterer 11-12" diameter. The heated base says "caution it gets very...
  8. L and L

    heated base for waterer

    Hello all, first time chicken person here. We are preparing for winter (central Kansas) and bought a Little Giant 3 gallon metal fount and a heated base for it. Today I realized that the heated base is 15" in diameter and the waterer 11-12" diameter. The heated base says "caution it gets very...
  9. L and L

    8 barred rock pullets!

    8 barred rock pullets!
  10. L and L

    Check Feed Date Before Buying

    My guess would be 23220 = Feb. 20, 2023... not sure though
  11. L and L

    Best feed

    Just curious, what's the purpose of feeding sardines or tuna?
  12. L and L

    Hot Weather Mash

    I've done that this week too - hot here - 105 - 107
  13. L and L

    Asprin Added to Water in Hot Weather?

    This week has been horribly hot in Kansas - 105 - 107. I'm a newbie with 9 week old chicks. I've been happy with giving them fresh electrolyte water every day and making them mud puddles with cold water (which of course warms up quickly). Seems to be doing the trick. They are still hot in the...
  14. L and L

    The “right” feeder.

    Any recommendations on where to buy the "good" black ports? The 'not from Amazon' ones?
  15. L and L

    The “right” feeder.

    I saw this feeder in a store but it didn't have a lid, it was open on top. Does this have a lid? If not, any problems with no lid? Just curious. Thanks in advance.
  16. L and L

    Hardware cloth on top of run

    We are chicken newbies and in the process of re-furbishing an old coop / run. HWC all around and on top. I'm wondering about burying HWC for an apron all around, how deep should this be?
  17. L and L

    Shipping chicks

    I ordered chicks from Murray McMurray in Iowa, they arrived 3 weeks ago. 8 Barred Rock, all survived, doing well, and growing like weeds! I say go for it! Just make sure you can get to the post office when they call and tell you they've arrived.
  18. L and L

    Beware: feeder and waterer handles! "PSA"

    We have the same blue feeder and waterer, I'm wondering any ideas how to keep the chicks from roosting on top of the feeder and waterer? They poop on top and contaminate food and water. 8 chicks, 2 weeks old. Thanks for any suggestions
  19. L and L

    Poop boards....

    I'm a chickie newbie - what is PDZ?
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