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  1. G

    Need help seeing if i have a roo

    Give it a week or two
  2. G

    Constipated Chick

    I figured it was something like that, thank you for replying
  3. G

    Constipated Chick

    Alright, so I've heard your supposed to give your constipated chicks coconut oil, and i got the more paste like kind, am I supposed to freeze it or something? I heard your supposed to give them "chunks" of it but I couldn't find any oil like that.
  4. G

    Sick 3 Day Old Chick

    Update, she passed away in my hands, it wasn't from Pasty Butt, I think it was failure to thrive, I wish there had been something I could have done.
  5. G

    Victor and Sassy Mallard's mom

    Welcome!! Nobody's gonna tease you for loving ducks lol. I'm actually thinking about getting ducklings later this year or next year, not confirmed though.
  6. G

    My Introduction

    Welcome! I have the same obsession with weird colored eggs lol.
  7. G

    Did hatchery send 3 roos?

    I'm still kinda new to chicken keeping so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but if I had to guess number 1 is probably a hen and number 2 MIGHT be a roo, some hens just develop faster. You'll probably be able to tell by 10 weeks, by then most roosters have crowed.
  8. G

    Help! Ducklings stuck in drainage!

    Those poor ducklings!
  9. G

    Pasty butt… swelling?

    I have a problem kinda like this with my 4 day old chick. The swelling is moderate and I have been being more gentle when cleaning her vent, should I also give her coconut oil even though that seems to be working?
  10. G

    Pasty butt, 1 week

    I know this is a old thread, but how I tend to clean pasty butt is by getting a bowl of warm water, dipping my finger in it, and massaging their bum. (If that grosses you out, use a q tip) after getting all the poop off put a LITTLE bit of Vaseline, not enough so that it is in a clump, literally...
  11. G

    Pasty Butt Remedy... this works!

    Thank you so much for sharing this! You seriously just saved my chick's life.
  12. G


    Thank you for your input!
  13. G

    You're welcome! And thank you for following me back.

    You're welcome! And thank you for following me back.
  14. G

    Wyandotte. But what variation

    I vote Golden Laced Wyandotte, that little one looks just like my Gold Laced did when she was little.
  15. G

    Sexing 9 week old Golden Laced Wyandottes

    For reference, this is the "Boss Chicken" as one would call her. She often picks on my little bantam rooster.
  16. G

    Sexing 9 week old Golden Laced Wyandottes

    For some reason i can't tag more then one in a single post
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