Pasty Butt Remedy... this works!

I don't know who it was on this forum who recommended Vaseline for pasty butt awhile ago, but it works FANTASTIC! After cleaning the pasty butt with a little warm water to soften it off, I patted the area dry and, with a Q-tip, applied a little bit of Vaseline/petroleum jelly on the chick's vent. Not too much where it was gooey, but enough so the poop wouldn't stick. I did this on four of my chicks and have not had one unresolved pasty butt since! If there was a little poop on the chick's fluff, I tried to get it off, but didn't worry about it too much... I just made sure that the vent was not blocked. I did reapply the following day to vents as a precaution. I'm hoping by sharing this wonderful tidbit of info again that some little chick's butt will be saved. :) Again, giving credit where credit is due, thank you to the kind BYC member who originally suggested this!! :)
Thank you so much for sharing this! You seriously just saved my chick's life.
It might be a good idea to use these tricks as a preventative if you are okay with putting in the effort. If their bum is treated, right from the get go, then they never will have pasty butt.

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