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  1. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Look here for good list of books, post 67 of 84.
  2. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Hi Trident, What breed of dog are they? Best, Karen
  3. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Hi Trident, Cute pups. What breed of dog are they? Best, Karen
  4. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Hi, If I was wanting to line-breed, the first thing I would do is surround myself with quality knowledge which would help me understand what I was seeing in the birds and how to manage cause and effort for best improvement. These are the 9-10 books I would use as the core of my library and why...
  5. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Hi Here's my take on the whole subject of linebreeding after 15 years of studying of breeding systems in multiple species in plant and animal kingdoms. I think all of this can be rolled up under the heading of "The art of breeding". Breeding beliefs and systems are only ways of collecting...
  6. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    You could distract yourself with it for curiosities sake if you were bored, however it really has no value to us. Best, Karen
  7. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Hi I'm not disagreeing with you, George. I thought I was agreeing with you. I was trying to make the point that with epigenetics being so "out there", it really was of no use to other than to the large commercial breeder like Hy-line. Best, Karen
  8. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Hum, some folk on BYC don't even get genetic shorthand, . I have studied epigenetics. A fascinating arena of thought. I have a collie breeder friend who has used it extensively for health in her private life and in her collie breeding program with astonishing positive results. That said, these...
  9. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Hi ! Yup, Yup Yup. I have Walt's strain in pure form. I also have a side project going on that is a real nice strain-cross. I am excited about both and have chicks in each project of various ages growing out. Am excited to see how selection differs in the two projects tho both are large fowl...
  10. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Hi, All of this begs the question, "What is a "simple" breed to start with ? If one wants to line-breed, then best success lays within an established breed with a literary history in the English language. With multiple vintage, line-bred strains winning in quality competition over multiple...
  11. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Hi ! , BLRW are a very complicated breed to breed to feather . Usually the more complicated the pattern, the more difficult it is to breed. In this case you have 2 colors with lacing added into the equation. EE's are a mutt chicken derived from Araucanas and Ameraucanas. It would be easier if...
  12. 3riverschick

    Line breeding: how do I get started?

    Hi ! Here ya goL Best Regards, Karen and the Light Sussex in western PA, USA
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