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  1. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    Well thank you all. Now I'm reaaaaallllly wondering where the beard and muffs came from. Not all of Simon & Hazel's babies had them, of course, but this is probably the 4th little guy that did. And I've hatched several dozen. I also had 1-2 girls that had it too, but they had the calico...
  2. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    Oh. The lady I got them from told me they were mille fleur crossed with Cochin and that's why Hazel has the mille fleur look. She said this was her second (?) generation from them and not to be surprised if I see the mille fleur in their babies. Simon and Hazel were hatched at Easter this year...
  3. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    Don't you get calico cochins from originally breeding a Cochin with a mille fleur? The same as when you breed splash birds, you can get gray or splash or white. If they are made by crossing a mille fleur with a white Cochin there will be mille fleur that come out in some occasionally. Right? (I...
  4. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    My pairs/trios are all kept separate and the eggs are marked as they taken from each pen. They are definitely from these parents.
  5. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    My chickens don't have the chance to cross, and I no longer had mille fleurs when these eggs were done. This is the little pair I chose to keep.
  6. CrzyChcknLady

    Calico Cochin Thread

    This is Simon & Hazel, my parents. Bantam cochins start laying eggs at right around 4 months. I have hatched many of their eggs, they are just turning 8 months old. I have one pair of their babies for sale now.
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