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  1. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    So adorable! I wonder how long it will take for your chick to outgrow your pup?!
  2. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

  3. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    Soo exciting!!
  4. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    😳😳😳 53 days is a looong time. Almost there now though!
  5. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

  6. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    I’ve had some that I definitely saved by helping. But I have hatched a LOT of chickens so I’ve observed the process enough to have a sense when there’s some way I can actually be helpful. If I were hatching something like an emu though… having never seen it to know what’s normal I’d have to...
  7. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    I know I would be better off not around because of temptation to get involved in the hatch when really I know hands off is usually best.
  8. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    That is a sinking feeling. One time my incubator was unplugged for at least 7 hours before I noticed. All the eggs were cold. Room temp which was pretty chilly, maybe 60 degrees. They were eggs I was hatching for a customer and I felt pretty sick over that but they were absolutely fine.
  9. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    Eep! Terrible! But hopefully it’ll be ok! I’ve had chicken & quail hatches that went through power/incubator outages that didn’t seem to be effected in the least.
  10. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    Well yeah, there’s that. Especially if both from one order are infertile 🫤
  11. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    Now that you mention that I feel like I’ve experienced that kind of ‘movement’ feeling in undeveloped eggs. I think your right it has to do with the weird way the weight shifts around in the membrane. Sorry your egg didn’t develop. It seems somehow easier that it’s just a non fertile egg vs a...
  12. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    Did you open it?😳
  13. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    I wonder why the others have stopped wiggling now. So suspenseful!
  14. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    So cool!
  15. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    Yes! Definitely Wow!! So cool! And the texture on that egg really comes through in the video. It’s just amazing!
  16. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    Well hopefully your ‘C’ egg will dry out and catch up. Maybe the name is holding it back… like if you call it ‘A +’ instead it might raise its performance.
  17. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    I almost need a dehumidifier with how humid it’s been here. I think we’ve had 90% humidity the last few days.
  18. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    Do you have a second incubator you could run on lower humidity? I bet a combo of that and thinning the bloom could help catch it up… that is if it’s developing at all.
  19. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    🤷🏻‍♀️Still has 3 ish weeks left right? Seems like if it’s way behind maybe worth a try. ETA: I used a magic eraser cleaning sponge on my eggs… it worked well because I felt like I could get the bloom layer off without feeling like I was at risk of damaging the egg.
  20. Dinoroar

    Oops bought emu hatching eggs

    I guess it hasn’t caught up in moisture loss? Do people ever sand off some of the bloom on emu eggs? I’ve done it with some very thick shelled/bloomed marans eggs I hatch for someone last year. I had them in with other eggs so I couldn’t just lower the humidity to compensate.
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