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  1. Michael OShay

    Coop pics****

    I meant to say 7 BAs.
  2. Michael OShay

    Coop pics****

    All my flock are hens. I currently have 7 Black Sex Links, & Black Australorps, 7 Easter Eggers, and 4 Buff Orpingtons. I like the BSLs and the BAs for their friendliness and excellent laying ability and the BOs for their beauty and calm, gentle temperament. I keep the EEs because my...
  3. Michael OShay

    Coop pics****

    I was just scanning the BYC website last night and saw the "coop and run" thread and posted the picture of it. :o)
  4. Michael OShay

    Coop pics****

    Thanks. We don't actually live there anymore. I have no idea whether the coop is still standing or not, but it sure was a fun project.
  5. Michael OShay

    Coop pics****

    Unfortunately, I was not a member of BYC at the time I built this coop and I didn't take any pictures in the process of building it, but I built this compartmentalized coop in Hawaii completely from recycled materials.
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