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  1. SkyWarrior

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    I have a whole bunch of slackers right now. I've been feeding a Montana made feed (no GMOs in Montana) and it doesn't make a difference. One pen has no layers whatsoever with 2 chickens, 2 ducks and 1 roo. One pen keeps dropping in number because they're nasty but I get 1-2 eggs from them a...
  2. SkyWarrior

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    Quote: Nah, I'm using Payback which is a CHS brand feed. I started getting better egg production when 3 things happened: 1. The temperature improved. 2. I started mixing scratch grains so there's a 2:1 or 1:1 layer feed/scratch ratio and 3. Kept the lights on 24 hours. It's not great...
  3. SkyWarrior

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    Quote: No. It's the time of the year and the age of your pullets. My EEs didn't even begin to lay until 26 weeks and that was during the summer. Winter messes with their laying.
  4. SkyWarrior

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    Quote: I think a lot is stress due to cold and other factors. I've upped the amount of scratch with my girls and from what everyone tells me, cracked corn and scratch is good in the winter. They're eating like pigs. I think -- and I may be wrong with this -- that you really need to keep the...
  5. SkyWarrior

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    Quote: I've had all my EEs stop laying with the exception of one. Today was the first day I got three eggs from 6 EEs. Part of it was the cold (it changed from 40F to below zero for several days) and the darkness. I have lights on 24/7 and it has warmed up a bit, which seems to improve...
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