Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

My chickens are slackers. Day two and not an egg. Its because of this cold snap comming in.Snow tonite.
okay my 4hens are not laaying any more this winter they did not stop or well they realy did not stop just slow way down to like 3 eggs a week. but near the end of january it piced up for about 2 weeks then it just stoped , i did move there nesting boxes but i know they have found them makeing nests in them. and since this has started one of my roos is realy geting rowdy he has a taked me and has road the hens very hard, wich i know it is geting to that time of the year but the roo is not even letting the other roo near then i hope get ing more birds will fix that part of the problem . but i still cant figer out why they all of a sudden stop laying. plz help i am so disepointed in them
I have been averaging 10-13 eggs daily for 3 months. This is when my new hens started laying. Today...2 eggs. Even my hen who has missed 4 days in 15 months did not lay. This is very unusual for her. We are having a cold snap but not any different than what we have had the past couple months. I did take my alpha hen out. She was getting really abusive with some of the young ones. Could this has caused the problem? They also have a light at night to insure they get plenty of light. Anyone else??
Thank you for that info, Speckledhen. Purina is one of the choices at the closest feed supply place....I won't use it, since they do have an alternative.
Well thanks for clearing that up. So many people i meet who don't know chickens think they are and that females can't do anything unless there is a rooster in the house. Clearly they have never met my DD.
I have a whole bunch of slackers right now. I've been feeding a Montana made feed (no GMOs in Montana) and it doesn't make a difference. One pen has no layers whatsoever with 2 chickens, 2 ducks and 1 roo. One pen keeps dropping in number because they're nasty but I get 1-2 eggs from them a day. (I have 4 chickens and 1 roo and they're mean to each other.) The other pen has a bunch of birds that get along, but I'm getting only 2-3 eggs a day.
I keep the lights on in the barn and open it when I can, but the weather has been cold until recently.
Some of my hens took extremely long breaks this year. They are also getting older and they slow down generally, as well as seem to take longer breaks for their molts. For months on end, I was getting 3-8 eggs from 28 layers, but in mid-December, suddenly they all started coming back into production and now, we're getting 15-20 eggs daily.

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