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  1. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    Remember that this only works if the barred rock was the hen :)
  2. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    Aren't hillbilly/old man names the best? :)
  3. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    Here is my young barred rock cockerel. He's such a sweetie so far. 18 weeks old. Just started crowing. His name be Cletus.
  4. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    If their spurs are affecting their walking or hurting hens, that would be the only time I would suggest spur removal. I wouldn't suggest it for an aggressive rooster. I would suggest a nice long bath in the crock pot.
  5. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    Exactly. :) I had a rooster accidentally tear a big hole in my favourite hen's side. It was inches wide and very disturbing in looks. Damage to the hen can often happen when they are molting especially.
  6. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    Spurs or not, if he is mean, he should become dinner. His claws alone are enough to hurt a toddler.
  7. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    Why do you want to de-spur him? He is a chick. He still has months to go before they even start to grow. Most roosters do not even need any spur removal. They are just fine the way they are. If they start hurting hens, or themselves, than it's time to do something, but right now at just a few...
  8. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    You can do this with pliers. The inside part is pliable and this will just keep rooster from injuring hens for a short time. He will need to be housed separately for a night so his spurs are not investigated by hungry hens I have heard this does not hurt them if the inner part is not...
  9. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    A spur is something they start developing at roughly 1 year. Sometime sooner.. but usually around a year. Also, hens can grow spurs as well. A lot of the game hens do. The majority of chicken breeds have four toes. 3 in the front, and one smaller one you can see above. I once had a...
  10. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    I think my Naked Necks are adorable! But they sure get a lot of questions with new visitors.. A lot of people think there is something wrong with them, and even a few believe I shaved them.
  11. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    Depends on their background really. I have never had an EE or an Ameraucana go broody, but many have. I wouldn't say they are a 'broody breed' but it's possible.
  12. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    You can 'entice' them... if they are a breed that normally goes broody.. like a silkie, a cochin, a Sumatra, a Old English Game.. Add an egg a day to a nest she prefers.. Let them build up. You can add golf balls instead of eggs. A hen will go broody when she feels like she has enough in a...
  13. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    Thanks for the explanation :D
  14. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    I can guarantee that the majority of Nova Scotianers refrigerates. I do not. There is no need. Eggs taste different when left out. More fluffy.. I don't know how to explain it... I say I guarantee because I am a Maritimer born and raised (NS, NB, PEI, NWFD).
  15. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    Fertile egg on the bottom. Non-fertile above.
  16. aoxa

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    I find the crowing and mating almost always go hand in hand. As soon as the rooster crows, he starts mating.. Not always, but 90% of the times I have experienced it. The pullets are not ready for a man until they are ready to lay eggs, so at first they are usually set against being mated.. so...
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